Election post


I am standing to be re-elected for Events Officer at UCL Lifestyle Medicine Society as I would like to continue to fulfil my passion for aiding with the organisation of events for this wonderful society. Since the beginning of the academic year, UCL Lifestyle Medicine Society has blossomed all thanks to the continued efforts of the amazing committee.  Should I be re-elected as Events Officer I hope to continue to organise events and outlets for members to learn and partake in activities centred around the core pillars of Health and Wellbeing. I hope to continue to be at the forefront of the organisation for these events, all the while aiming to uphold and re-instate the ethos and goals of the society. Particularly, I hope to continue to organise and follow through with events which are planned for later this term and next year. These will include, more wellness walks, the beginning of our weekly yoga sessions, additional speaker events, more collaborations with other societies who align with the 6 pillars of Lifestyle medicine and many more!

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