Election post


I am Marjoleine Mooijman a 3rd year student of the MEng Engineering and Architectural Design course. I would love to be part of the committee for the Leading Women Society to help it grow. As a treasurer, I would like to manage the finances efficiently, effectively, and transparently while creating a friendly and open community providing support to all members. Additionally, I hope to promote the society to increase its outreach while creating more professional opportunities for everyone with regards CV’s, networking, and social events.

I believe a key aspect of the society is inclusivity and allowing all to reach their full potential. I think this philosophy becomes increasingly more important in the rapidly changing work environments across all fields of work. Therefore, I want to support the Leading Women Society in its next steps.

I have the necessary skills to manage the finances efficiently, effectively, and transparently considering my previous experience organising events, managing my business, and helping others with budgeting.

I am fully committed to the Leading Women Society; it would be privilege and great honour to be elected as its treasurer.