Election post


I believe there are 3 key duties of a president 

  • External relations

As the president, I would be the face of the club especially to external bodies such as the SU and other clubs, especially the women’s lacrosse club. I hold myself as an excellent texter and am not above double texting, a highly transferable skill to this role. I also commute 80 minutes a day which leaves me lots of time to draft texts and emails. 

  • Internal organisation 

I will implement automatic systems and processes to smoothen backend processes which would translate to more efficient and effective trainings. This may come in the form of weekly checklists, standard procedures for games and trainings, etc.

  • leading and inspiring 

While being very shy when I first joined, my passion for the sport led me to train upwards of 5 hours per week back in Singapore over the summer. I’ve come back much more confident and vocal. While I may not be the most talented player on the field, I believe I can lead off the field and give the club a unified heading. I also hope to continue the initiatives of the current committee who have worked hard to foster a warm and welcoming environment for freshers. I understand what it’s like to be intimidated as a fresher and I hope to continue pushing the line to eradicate that culture from men’s lacrosse. 

Given all this, I am ready to step up and not only keep our ship afloat but to give it a heading, lead, and inspire. 

Thank you :)