Election post


Hi, I'm Amber. I study History and Politics of the Americas, and I'm running for Labour Society Treasurer.

Having been an active member of Labour for a few years now, I am well familiarised with the structure of the Labour Party and want to serve it and the student body as best as I can. I have previously held the roles of Ethnic Minorities Officer in Mid Essex Young Labour and was Women's Officer in the exec. of my previous constituency’s Labour Party.

I therefore believe I am ready to take the next step as Treasurer of the Labour Society at UCL, I plan to continue to organise and budget for events, just as I have in my previous roles, by ensuring we are able to carry out socials, debates, and meetings in a well-executed manner. With my platform, I would also contact political figures to create a space for the society to have talks, presentations, and networking events, as well as enjoying more informal discourse in our regular socials.

I also aim to use our budget for conferences or more formal socials at the end of the year, whilst reaching as many students as possible.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I have your vote!