Election post


Hello! I am Yasmin, a 2nd year Arts & Sciences student, running for Creative Director for Kinesis Magazine.

The role of Creative Director unites both my interests in life sciences, as well as art and design, similar to my degree. Therefore, as a passionate advocate for creativity, with a strong background in life sciences, I am excited about the opportunity to potentially contribute my skills and ideas to the continued success of the magazine, and help maintain a thriving community of both scientists and creatives. 

My experience and background offers me the important insight to be a successful Creative Director. 

I gained leadership experience as my sixth form Science Society’s president, curating a space for people to discuss and share their interests in science. Additionally, I have been given opportunities to practice my art skills throughout my university career, for example, as a member of the graphic design team for Malaysian Society’s annual cultural production. 

I deeply admire what Kinesis Magazine does in allowing students to explore their interests in a meaningful context outside of their own studies, and I think it would be wonderful  to utilise my interdisciplinary and strong interpersonal skills in both the sciences and arts to help this community. 

With your vote and support I look forward to implementing positive changes, and I am confident that I will be an effective and welcoming Creative Director - making a lasting creative impact on our magazine and the team. Thank you for considering my