Election post


Like the Conservative Party, Juggling and Circus Society is completely devoid of all talent and there are no good options to lead us.  However, some of these options are less bad than others.  For this reason, I am pitching myself as the Rishi Sunak candidate as I believe I’m the least incompetent person for the job.

You should vote for me to be your Master of Balls because:

  • I’m the most qualified candidate – I literally do the job half the weeks anyways so we might as well make it official.
  • I have awesome hair and will let you touch it if I win
  • I am a loving and caring person (I once saved a pigeon, that’s all the evidence I have for this)
  • I love balls.
  • It would be a massive step for diversity to have a Master of Balls who still can’t juggle.

Please vote for me I really want to put Master of Balls on my LinkedIn with no context.

We need a committee member for the clowns, not a clown of a committee member.

Are you #ReadyForSeth?