Election post


Hi! I'm Sunny, running for VP at UCLIS

I cannot wait to explore the various opportunities we may be exposed to and take leadership in organising even more inspirational competitions and conferences here at the UCLIS. Having been the Maths Academic Rep at high school after achieving distinction at BMO1 and MOG, ranked 11th in China for UKCHO and being the leader of house music where I conducted 70 girls, I believe I am well equipped to thrive in this job.

My main agenda will be as follows:

  • Expansion: UCLIS has great connections both internally and externally. I will continue to capitalise on this and further expand our connections and leverage our network by building a stronger brand image to introduce our members to even more talented people. For example, I will strive to expand our pool of sponsor firms to bring you industry-specific insights, or networking with leading experts.
  • Consolidation: I will aim to build upon UCLIS's wonderful resources to enhance our current connections by expanding our sponsorship options with them, allowing us to bring you even more opportunities that are beneficial to our members. This will involve diversifying our offerings to include workshops and case study opportunities, for you to get to know more people and learn how to achieve your career goals.

By voting me, I will use my diverse experience, along with my academic motivations, to turn the UCLIS for the better and strengthen the UCLIS as the de facto career society in UCL!