Election post


Being a part of In Aid of UNICEF this term has been a highlight of each week and helped me to find a wonderful and kind community at UCL. At our book swap sale, I connected with so many people who wanted to donate and get involved with charity. I would love to continue helping people find their passion for charity in the coming terms. I strongly believe in bringing creativity, enthusiasm, and a sense of community to fundraising. Making earrings to sell for World Children's Day was a fun way to get creative with fundraising. If elected, I will work to find ways for everyone to use their skills and interests for good. Chairing my school's charity society taught me how to be effective and organised with fundraising. My society raised more money than all previous years, and with my enthusiasm I would like to aim high for In Aid of UNICEF and raise as much money as possible. I have many ideas for fundraising events this year like bauble decorating for Christmas, working with smaller local charities, and collecting at plays and comedy shows. Given the opportunity, I would be so excited to work alongside members and make sure their fundraising ideas can be organised! helping children in need is so important, especially at a time where welfare and charity outreach are unable to keep up with pressing issues. This year, I would like to make fundraising accessible to everyone and uphold one of UNICEF's key messages: 'never give up'.