Election post


I’m a 3rd year MSci Biological sciences: Cell biology student who is very interested in immunology. I really enjoy being in the society, talking to others with the same interests in the socials and attending the academic seminars. I thought it really would be amazing if I could get engaged in organising the events to contribute more to the society myself in the future.

I believe communication and organisation skills that I gained from previous experience would make me a good fit for the role. I’ve been a Biological Sciences Course Rep since 1st year and was also CLIE Non-European Class Rep last year. The experience enhanced my ability to communicate with peers and academic staff and improved my teamwork skills. Before university, I was the deputy head of boarding house and the event organiser of school science society. This developed my organisation skills through, e.g. organising many socials and charity projects that raised over 3,000 pounds for arthritis. I also invited many science researchers to give academic talks at school.

I’ve taken several immunology modules, allowing me to encounter many researchers working on different fields of immunology within/outside UCL, e.g. Imperial, ICR. Knowing these researchers, I’ll be able to organise academic events more easily and help to form the research connection web for the society. I’d also like to organise various types of social and collaboration events with other STEM societies to engage our members with the UCL community.