Election post


Being bilingual in Mandarin and English, I feel that my cultural background and work experience in south Asian countries allow me to pass on that real-life experience and energy to the society members, and maybe help people who want to start social enterprises in developing countries. I'm personally very passionate about building a social enterprise in emerging economies, and I would be more than happy to ignite excitement in these deserving members in this exciting environment. Being in a position that could lead the IDEA society provides me with more opportunity to fully extend what a UCL society can do and what we can achieve, as social entrepreneurs take more and more roles regarding many pressing issues, and I hope to promote that to more UCL students who share the same interest.

I always take pride in an event/project being successful and not harping on how we got there or who did what, but rather that we got there. In addition to having the relevant work experience for leading a society, I've also been a member of IDEAS Globally. With my experience on both sides, I can better help our registered members and reach out to more experts working in this field to maximize what our society members can get from participating in weekly activities. More, I'm a passionate trainer and mentor who's very hands-on and approachable. These are the skills and traits I would love to bring to IDEA Society.