Election post


Hey everyone!

I am the current Treasurer of the society, but would love to switch to President! Organizing things and coordinating a team is definitely more in my skillset than handling financial matters to be entirely honest (but it's fine I'm doing a good job at it anyways ;) ).

I think I would make a good President because I am familiar with the club, I have already been involved in club committees last academic year, and because I am willing to take any opportunity to procrastinate on my degree (don't tell my Dad).

As President I swear I will make us watch A Very Potter Musical o7 That's it that's the platform I'm running on

Vote for me pls! xoxo

PS: Application photo is from one of the many times I tried (and eventually succeeded!) to balance our Hedwig plush on my head during the Welcome Fair. By the end of the day I was walking around with an owl hat. In case it wasn't clear I am very proud of that fact.

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