Election post


Hi there I'm Noah

I'm excited to announce my candidacy for the position of president; currently serving as interim president. 

A bit about me, I have been playing for 8 years and have progressively grown a great appreciation and love for guitar and the culture surrounding it including playing (obviously), education and gear. I began playing acoustic guitar, having reached a grade 6, then later transitioning to rock/electric and now I am focussing on getting groovy on bass guitar. I enjoy playing a wide range of genres including classical, math rock and pop; which will be reflected in the curriculum.

Teaching, beginning with playing fundamentals, will be followed by lessons based on 5 core genres: jazz, classical, blues, metal and country/acoustic. We will hold weekly lessons and don't be intimidated, lessons are created with beginners in mind.

Looking towards the future, I intend to organise several jams, more socials and showstopping performances, where members will get to display their prowess under watchful eyes, no pressure ;). I am also looking forward to fostering collaboration with other societies, creating memorable events that connect diverse musical talents.

Thank you for reading

Rock on