Election post


Hello everyone!

I'm thrilled to nominate myself for Welfare Officer for Female Lead society! Why? Because I'm determined to blend my passion for feminism with creating a wonderfully supportive community! This role is a a chance to weave inclusivity and mental health awareness into the very fabric of our society. As a dedicated member, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and boost those positive and inclusive environnement .

Why Welfare Officer? Because it's the perfect platform to make our feminist society a place for everyone where every voice is heard, and mental health takes center stage. I'm here to be your ally, your go-to person for all things well-being and the person who will bring real French croissants to the events!

Let's turn our shared passion for feminism into a powerhouse of support. Mental health? Absolutely, let's make it a priority. I firmly believe a strong feminist community starts with the well-being of its members. So, let's craft initiatives, provide resources, and build a society where empowerment is the central theme.

By supporting me for Welfare Officer, you're not just casting a vote; you're joining a movement to make our feminist society an empowering place on campus. Let's do this together and turn our society into a space where everyone can flourish.

Questions or just want to chat feminism? Drop me a message! I'm all ears and I love to talk about everything!

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