Election post


Hello, I'm Aditi, a final year law student!

Growing up in a traditional Indian family, I've always been in awe of the resilience displayed by the women in my family. My grandmothers and my mother had incredible careers despite solely having to manage all household chores alongside their work.

They've often spoken about the challenges of navigating patriarchy at both home and at work. But they persisted, and broke the chains that once bound them.

I want to contribute to creating a supportive community for all women, providing the kind of support my mother and grandmothers wished they had.

Herein lies my motivation for joining the Female Lead committee at UCL- it's personal. 

My goal is to foster an inclusive space within the Female Lead at UCL, akin to a family, where every woman can feel supported and empowered throughout their journey. This brings me to the role of Social Media and Outreach.

So why Social Media and Outreach? 

In terms of credentials, firstly, I've worked with a female-led edutainment startup in India, where I produced, edited, and voiced over 5 Instagram reels that garnered over 2000 views each.

Secondly, I've led the social media marketing strategy for a tech startup, significantly increasing engagement rates by over 430% on X and 45% on LinkedIn.

I believe my credentials will add value to the UCL Female Lead community, which is why I've applied for the position of Social Media and Outreach.

Thanks for taking out the time to hear my story!

Preferred pronouns