Election post


Hi guys!

My name is Tilly and I'd really like to use this role to further the newsletter. I am also very interested in using social media more effectively to reach out to the UK-wide female lead to gain better outreach.

Our newsletter is still in the process of being developed and I'm keen to get us moving with this by working alongside our president Shua. I think this could be central to the way the society is organised, being a great tool of inclusion to all our members. It will have sections such as female news, where hot topics from across the world involving women will be discussed. Local news of women in leadership roles will also be included to develop ideas about role models for female UCL students looking into careers in a range of industries.

Other important sections of the newsletter will allow us to include sections of female artistry and writing. Aspects of this can feed into more socials that we do as a society, where the poetry, writing and art of our members can have a special feature on our newsletter.

By running this, I feel the society will become a better and more well-rounded environment.

Thank you!