Election post


Hello everyone,

I’m Tess, aspiring CG graphics editor!

My experience in the graphics subcommittee last year and my role as the interim graphics editor since September have given me valuable insight into what makes our magazine visually compelling, and - I hope - funny. 

I'm not here to revolutionize our magazine (although I've always dreamed of staging a coup) but to build on the solid foundation we already have. Cheese Grater has always stood out for its creativity, and I want to continue this tradition.

My goal is to encourage more of our talented members to contribute their graphics. We’ve got so many talented members, and who knows? The next Da Vinci might be doodling in the back row of our meetings... 

I believe in nurturing a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable to share their ideas. I would love for CG graphics to be a melting pot of creativity, where different styles and perspectives come together to create something truly unique.

With a little bit of your trust, I aim to keep our standards sky-high, while opening the door for even more creative expressions! 

Thank you for considering me :) 

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