Election post


Hello voter,

I’m Rob, the interim editor in chief! I actually won this election last year but for some mysterious reason I have to run again! Blasphemous I know. The SU must pay for their sins! 

I would love to continue serving as the EIC of the CG; I care deeply about this society, and I really hope to be afforded the opportunity to continue working closely with both the editorial and writing teams for the rest of the year. I was investigations editor last year and I have greatly enjoyed being EIC this year. The proliferation of cross-society collaboration and cohesion has been brilliant to see, and the magazine is definitely on the up!

I’m a (somewhat) competent editor, having overseen the publication of our freshers issue earlier this year (alongside the brilliant Mads Brown, Izzie Moull and Rebekah Wright) and I believe that I bring something to the metaphorical editorial table - what that something is is ultimately up to interpretation…

Anyway, to conclude on a cheesy note, if you could vote for me I would be greatly grateful! 

Many thanks,

Robert James Delaney VIII

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