Election post


I'm Lavlyn, second year cancer biomedicine student. I am a dedicated learner and a hard worker, but my defining attribute is to make everyone feel welcome, regardless of their degree of understanding of cancer. My purpose is to prove that this society is not only specific for those with existing knowledge of cancer. It will also include those who desire to enhance their awareness of cancer prognosis, diagnosis and treatment. Due to prior experience and involvement as interim treasurer of this society, I intend to continue working with individuals dedicated to educating the public about the profound impact of cancer at any age.

Being one of the project leaders for a volunteering project (UCL CancerCare) affiliated with this society will allow me to propose educational programmes to promote a better understanding of various cancer types. I will strive to ensure that those who wish to join will gain valuable experience by getting them involved in events we organize. These include fundraising, seminars and talks on the latest advancements in cancer research, as well as other non-academic events, including social events like quiz nights, picnics and museum visits. In the coming year, you can count on me to create the most positive experiences and atmospheres. Through these initiatives, I hope to pursue new partnerships and collaborations with potential guest speakers at the Cancer Institute and other cancer-related societies, such as the UCL Medical Society’s Oncology Society.