Election post


As an avid book lover (fantasy is my favourite!) I appreciate the warm, cozy and welcoming atmosphere Book Club has created. I want to help it reach more people so they can experience the joy of sharing opinions, thoughts and feelings about literature. As the communication & outreach officer, my main goals would be to: 

- maintain the welcoming, warm atmosphere during weekly meetings, making sure each student who wants to share their thoughts has a chance to do so in an open-minded, relaxed environment.

- make information about events more accessible by posting more frequently on Instagram.

- help plan some exciting events outside UCL! I want to make sure Book Club offers an array of fun opportunities and everyone can find something for themselves:)

- coordinate the society newsletter, where we can share our favourite recent reads, exciting releases and all the noteworthy events happening in the book world! A place where any member can get involved and express themselves through literature.

- make sure every query is answered efficiently and everyone is heard.

In short: I want to make sure Book Club keeps on being the warm, safe, welcoming community it is, while expanding its outreach and opportunities. 


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