Election post


As the president/founder of the Behavioural Insights Society at the University of Nottingham, I managed a student-run newsletter, consultancy unit and talks by academics and behaviour change practitioners. The experience of setting up a new society and new projects and helping other interested individuals to get more involved was a highlight of my time at Nottingham and is a key reason why I would love to be a part of the team at Behavioural Innovations Society.

My experience with the society also gave me an insight into the requirements and demands of various types of roles which means, if I am able to join as a committee member, I am happy to fulfil many different tasks and support others with theirs. I particularly enjoy reaching out to new people who can engage with our society in some way, whether it is as a guest speaker, a potential collaboration opportunity or to get a fresh perspective as this has helped me identify interesting opportunities for our members (and what might work and what doesn’t!). My approach is very focused on the end-person i.e. what would our members enjoy and be interested in? How can we find this out? In my role at Nottingham, my role focused mainly on managing all the projects and thinking strategically so I am keen to expand more into a more specific role focused on a particular project. For these reasons, I am particularly interested in the role of Events Director.