Election post


Hi, my name is Nikki, a third-year medical student, and I am running for the role of kit secretary for 2023/24. I have hugely enjoyed my time in RUMS badminton over the past two years, and so would love for the opportunity to give back this year, as kit secretary. This role extends to both the social and team aspects of RUMS badminton. With regards to the team, I hope to infuse the enthusiasm that is on the court into the kit and with the help of the captains, produce high-quality items that truly resonate with the players. Likewise, for the social side of RUMS badminton, I’d be committed to sourcing top-notch and well-designed merchandise that foster a sense of community, and truly encapsulate the essence of RUMS badminton, so it can be something that holds lasting memories. All in all, I look forward to hopefully taking on this role and I am excited to see what this year brings for RUMS badminton!

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