Election post


Hello! My name is Alistair, I'm an MSc student studying Global Governance and Ethics, and I am standing to be an Events Officer in Animal Rights Society.

I am passionate about the welfare, rights and liberation of non-human animals, and I'm a recent (two-month!) vegan in order to reduce unnecessary animal suffering and exploitation. I believe that animal agriculture is a moral abomination and an environmental disaster, and a huge threat to human health in terms of zoonotic disease and antibiotic resistance. I also believe that carnism – defined as "the ideology that conditions humans to consume certain animal products" – is deeply entrenched and internalised across most societies today.

If elected, I intend to fight against carnism and work towards ending animal agriculture by organising more of the following events with Animal Rights Society:

  • Talks and debates
  • Documentary and film screenings
  • Activism

Thank you for reading this!