Election post


I am nominating myself for this role as I believe it provides an excellent opportunity for me to demonstrate interest and develop a wide range of skills. I have myself held various roles in the past, including for example: Representative in high school, Group Representative and Peer Mentor during undergraduate studies, Phase 2 Representative in Manchester Urology Society, President for Manchester Anatomical Society, Participant at The National Neuroanatomy Competition [NUNC] 2021 & 2022 etc.), so extremely enjoy and familiar at handling key roles in societies. In particular, I absolutely love anatomy and surgery, hence why I held previous roles relating to these areas, and currently undertaking an MSc that is directly linked to these interests! The organisational, leadership and teamworking skills that I would hone and further develop by being an active committee member in the society, are not to be missed.  

Ultimately, what makes someone suitable for their role is passion; If you are passionate about something, then you will do wonders! I am extremely passionate about designing and running competitions (& exams ?), in addition to being extremely familiar with running social media platforms. These roles require one to be punctual, hardworking and organised; qualities which I believe I possess and have developed over the years.