Election post


Hi Guys! This year, I would love to run for UCL's 93% club Treasurer. Since joining the club in the summer, I was asked to be the club's interim treasurer, along with other Year 2 students to keep the club afloat. We managed to achieve this, where as treasurer I have already gained lots of experience within this role, and have a great understanding on how this club runs alongside the student union.

I have exciting plans for the future of this club, and I want to put lots of emphasis on holding many socials, as I believe the best thing for state school university students to do is to regularly meet with people similar to themselves, especially in a university like UCL. Therefore, I will ensure the club holds many socials throughout the year, and help build a friendly community within the club in which people can rely on, and make friends that share a similar background to them. I also strongly believe in holding educational seminars for our members, such as talks from state schooled workers who can offer advice for our students. these opportunities will cover many job aspects, including academia, finance, and other areas in which state schoolers may be at a disadvantage. 

Finally, I also believe my strengths strongly align with a treasury role. Being an economics student, I am familiar with financial tasks and issues, and I am confident I can solve any problems the club may have financially, whilst also remaining transparent with our members if they have an issue.