Election post


I am standing because I believe that the 93% Club is essential to a university like UCL. In my first year at UCL, I spent a lot of time feeling like I did not belong because of where I came from and what school I went to. With the 93% Club, I want to make a society where people feel like they belong and fit in, and feel empowered about their prospects in the future.  

I have already been the Interim-President from August, so I have a great understanding of the role and know what needs to be improved and introduced this year. So far, I have launched socials, set up an interim committee to ensure that the society would not be disaffiliated, completed our society risk assessment, and have spoken to many of our members about their ideas and suggestions for the society this year. 

By continuing as President, I would help launch a range of workshops on how to get in to certain careers, invite successful professionals from a state-school background as speakers to give insight and tips, and also continue with a range of fun socials.

Overall, I would be an successful President, as I already have experience in the role, I will work tirelessly to launch the best events for our members, and most importantly, I will listen to you, our members, on what you would like to see continued and introduced throughout the year.