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Nereus Tsang

Hi, I am Nereus and I would love to run for General Secretary!

Earlier in the term, I have been working closely with the Vice President to continue our SoParent initiative that aims to aid the smooth transition of pharmacy freshers. We have also hosted our first SoParent gathering with a great turnout from SoP families. I would like to continue providing support to the programme and organise more social events for SoP families to foster closer bonding both within and across families.

The Art and Performance aspect of our department has been long neglected. However, it is evident that talents exist in our department. With this in mind, I am eager to organise a talent show that raises the awareness of ArtsUCL in Pharmacy, while providing a platform for everyone to showcase their talent and skills.

I am sure my friends can attest that I put SoPSoC at the forefront of my mind. I will work diligently and tirelessly to ensure SoPSoc carry on the momentum to yet another successful year ahead.