YourStance is a team of experienced doctors and nurses teaching young people in London at risk of serious youth violence how to respond to an emergency.

We teach vulnerable young people aged 11 – 25 how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and haemorrhage control to enable them to act as ‘zero responders’ before a first responder arrives.

Since we established ourselves as a community interest company in 2019, the project has taught over 2,000 young people and run nearly 200 workshops across London. The vast majority of those taught felt that what they’d learned had been directly and immediately helpful to them.

App Design Evaluation for Saving Lives Services.

Your Stance is a team of experienced doctors, nurses and clinicians teaching young people in London vulnerab
Qualitative evaluation of volunteer experience
YourStance is a team of experienced doctors, nurses and clinicians teaching young people in London vulnerable to serious youth violence how to respond to a