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"We were happy to support the students that have a wonderful vision..."
We had a conversation with Farrah from the Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society. They have been working with the Student-Led Project Zero Food Waste to reduce food waste on the UCL campus.
"... the kids would get a lot of joy out of it"
Charlotte from Hopscotch Women’s Centre spoke to us about their collaboration with the Student-Led Project UCL Student Hospital Fun Team.
"It made a huge impact on the students, they were all grateful and really enjoyed it"
London Screen Academy has been partnered up with the Student-Led Project UCL Sexpression.
"It certainly impacts on their sense of responsibility and clarity..."
In this Profile Piece, Dorota shares the collaboration experience between Westminster Kingsway College and the Student-Led Project On & Up Women in Finance. Find out about the amazing workshops they r
"It’s been quite valuable for our students, they really enjoy speaking with university students..."
This past academic year, the Student-Led Project On & Up Women in Finance has been working with Mulberry School for Girls.
"...This will be a legacy that can continue over time"
Kelly, from Thames Reach, gives us some insight into her experience working with the Student-Led Project (SLP) Open Space Redevelopment.
"We really could not do it without the volunteers, they are our biggest asset"
We had a lovely chat with Edward from StreetDoctors about their partnership with one of UCL's Student-Led Volunteering group: StreetDoctors UCL.
"It was lovely to see the interaction between the students and the older people, the patience shown by the students, and their understanding..."
We recently spoke with Andrew, from Holborn Community Association, about their work with the Student-Led Project: DanceIt!
"It's been wonderful to work with students who just want to make the world a bit of a better place"
It was great speaking with Nele, from Anthony Nolan, about their experience working with UCL Marrow this year, she had amazing input about the volunteers' impact on their organisation!
"We found the volunteers were really engaging and friendly, really prepared..."
We had a lovely talk with Alfie from Hammersmith Academy. He shared their experience working with the Student-Led Project "UCL Next Top Doctor".
"It’s a partnership from start to finish, that’s what I like"
Linda works at One Housing, one of the organisations that our Student-Led Projects collaborate with. We had a wonderful chat with her about their experience working with our Student-Led Projects, and the impact they have had on the organisation and its beneficiaries.