Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Ultimately I want to fight for more safe spaces for people identifying as women to share ideas, thoughts and questions regarding life and what it means to identify as a woman. I believe the Women's Network to be a really positive route for such conversations and spaces to emerge and so, as secretary, I would love to build on this, alongside the Women Officers. I would like to also bring in a first year perspective, as well as further enhancing the accuracy of agendas, notes and society proceedings. This is all with the intention of greater education and outreach regarding our society values.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I believe I will be well suited to this role due to my outgoing nature. I love making conversation and ensuring people feel welcome in spaces. Furthermore, regardless of the committee role, I would genuinely enjoy being part of a team that focuses so greatly on inclusivity.

I do also deem myself to be an organised and precise worker, once again taking pleasure in well detailed and accurate records of meetings and conversations etc.

I like the idea of the challenge that is faced within this role. Being secretary would allow me to develop skills as a scribe and team player: that excites me.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

It would mean a lot if students voted for me. I would love the opportunity to give this role a go. I believe I have relevant qualities that stand me in good stead for being a successful secretary for the Women's Network and I want a chance to demonstrate such abilities. It's also about opportunity. Having this experience would challenge and push me to think more critically about issues within the ongoing gender discussion. Working within the Women's Network I believe I can help make real change come about. Women need this space; I would love for student's to give me this chance as secretary.