Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am the welfare officer of the Pakistan Society and working and managing this role as allowed me to understand the demands of handling a welfare representative position. I am a good listener and approachable so anyone in the societies I am part of or even the student union as a whole can come to me. 

I have worked well in teams and societies and last year I was part of the sign language society which allowed me to interact with people from various backgrounds. I aim to listen to others' perspectives and understand their view points. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to represent the needs and requirements of all student, provide more accessible avenues for mental health services, make it easier for everyone, including minorities and internationals, to feel at home in a environment that might be overwhelming and/or new for them. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I would be a good candidate for this role as being a welfare officer for the Pakistan Society as taught me what the role entails. I have initiated 'bethak' sessions in Pakistan Society where I invite members to join a casual conversation and help them through university life at UCL and UK in general. I am always approachable and available for a chat. I would really like the opportunity to take this role and get directly linked to the Union where I would be to able to attend meeting and discuss ideas/initiatives to further improve the services and welfare opportunities for the students.