Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

For three years, I served on the committee of the student-led volunteering project "Sexpression," two of which I was President and project leader. Sexpression was re-established during my first year on the committee, so I was at the forefront of establishing this SLVP. This gave me the opportunity to thoroughly understand the complexities of starting a volunteer project from scratch. Throughout this process, I've learned not only the rules and obstacles of volunteering (and the inner workings of the Student’s Union), but also what makes a good project and how to maximise student satisfaction.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Create summary sheets for all training modules that can be quickly referred to throughout the year. 
  2. Create a troubleshooting page for project leaders so that simple queries can be independently resolved without the need for a union member. 
  3. Improve the accessibility of volunteering opportunities by classifying them by: Physical requirements and minimum time commitment 
  4. Project leader buddy system/ mentorship

I plan to represent the voices of volunteers at UCL so that meaningful, measurable change is made

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I've been involved with volunteering for three years and have witnessed firsthand the positive impact it has on both the community and the personal growth of volunteers. I am a certified Mental Health First Aider, am knowledgeable about current social issues, and have worked with both children and university students. For these reasons, I want to make volunteering as accessible and enjoyable as possible for students by bridging the gap between them and the Student's Union, with the overall goal of increasing student volunteer satisfaction.