Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

As Disabled Students' Rep for the Trans* Network I hope to work with the committee to ensure events are fully accessible, as well as generally supporting members of the network in accessing and attending events. I would do this through organising access to gender-neutral & accessible bathrooms, to quiet spaces, and wheelchair & mobility aid access for venues. As the Disabled Students' Rep for the LGBT+ Network last year, I met with the Provost to discuss UCL's decision to leave Stonewall. This is another issue I am intensely passionate in tackling as a member of the committee. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have experience working with a team and coordinating events as a member of both the SFFS Committee and LGBT+ Network Committee. I also feel very strongly about standing up for the rights, safety, and comfort of trans* students at UCL, especially given everything that has been happening within the institution. I also aim to be a friendly and approachable person, so I also hope to be someone trans* students can come to with any issues they are facing.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have experience working within society and network committees, as well as specifically as a Disabled Student's Representative, and hope to use this to make the Trans* Network a disability-inclusive and accessible space! I'm also passionate about working in the Network on other issues, such as organising further action following the Stonewall decision, and protecting the welfare of all trans* students at UCL!