Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I feel like this is a very big opportunity and I understand how big of an organisation the union is with a very big budget and I want to make sure the union uses this budget properly for its students. I feel like as a current student myself I can understand the situation of current UCL students better and hope to raise and vote to solve issues currently at UCL. I hope to make UCL spaces more comfortable for all students and I understand how students feel especially the international students. I know the board has the utmost authority so I think I can influence the most by sitting on the board.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Throughout high school I have participated in Model United Nations (MUN) conferences. I have been both a delegate and a chair and therefore have a lot of experience in conference voting and coming up with resolutions as a group.

Throughout my time at UCL, I have been on the committees of societies like Pakistan Society and Computer Science society and have had to make decisions for the betterment of the members while having a budget. This will help me as I have to do the same thing but at a much larger scale. I have seen my friends and seniors work on this board which has made me passionate. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being a Student Trustee at UCL means sitting on a board in the Students Union which takes all of the union's decisions. I know what a huge responsibility this is. This means sitting on the board that makes decisions affecting approximately 50,000 students and being part of the body that all of these students have put their trust in. I will make sure to forward the narrative of the students to the board and keep the students interest as my priority and will make sure that every decision favours UCL Students the most.

I am ready to give as much time as I can to this role so please vote for me.