Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope I can help people in and outside the a-spec community get a clearer understanding of their sexual and/or romantic orientation by providing a safe environment and a variety of resources through the LGBTQ+ Network's social media accounts and events. I am planning to use these channels to spread awareness of all the different tones and nuances of the a-spectrum especially during AroSpec Awareness week, International Asexuality day, and Ace Week so that people who happen to find themselves within the spectrum can recognize they are not alone and have the LGBTQ+ Network's full support :) 


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

During the last 2 years, I've been actively involved within the LGBTQ+ Network's aspec community on social media and events by helping the previous Aro/Ace representative answer questions, manage group chats, and run in-person socials. This experience has given me a better understanding of the expectations regarding the position, and I feel more confident tending to the needs of the community and raising any concerns to the SU. I'll also continue the previous Aro/Ace rep's initiative to push for more inclusivity on the SU's website for people on the aspectrum who don't identify as asexual. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I will make sure to host both online and in-person social events to give more people the chance to meet and get to know each other regardless of where they are in the world. If you're shy or have any issues or ideas you'd like to share with me, please, don't be afraid to reach out and let me know as I check my social media every day. This feedback from the community is crucial in making any necessary adjustments to the group chats and upcoming events in order to make the experiences better. Overall, I am ready to provide support and take on the job of the Aspec Representative for this year.