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Tips for working with partner organisations
Many of our Student-Led Projects work with partner organisations – if that includes you, please familiarise yourself with these guidelines.
Provision of food
Any Student-Led Project wishing to provide food for attendees at their in-person events that is not provided by Students’ Union UCL or UCL catering must ensure the following:
Claiming expenses
The Volunteering Service will pay travel expenses for UCL students volunteering with Student-Led Projects registered with the Student-Led Volunteering Programme.
Booking an external speaker
If a Student-Led Project is organising an event with an external speaker, the Students’ Union UCL Clubs & Societies regulations will apply.
Booking a room
ORGANISING REGULAR MEETINGS FOR YOUR VOLUNTEER TEAMYou should try to have your regular activities arranged well in advance so you can publicise them effectively and to allow more time to plan one-off
A Guide to Volunteering Fairs
Basic InformationWhat’s the purpose of the Volunteering Fair?
Writing Volunteer Recruitment Adverts
To advertise your Project Opportunities in the Volunteering Service Newsletter, write a short advert that will provide the reader with everything they need to know but can be read quickly and send this to
Volunteer Induction and Training
Volunteer Welcome EmailYou should send all of your volunteers a welcome email, formally introducing them to your Student-Led Project and giving some more information about your aim, outcomes and acti
"You never know the impact that you can have to someone's day until you step up and help them."
We had the pleasure of chatting with Patricia Gimeno Le Paih, reading MSci Biological Sciences, about her volunteering at the Age UK as a
'I felt very proud that we could so clearly realise the essential aim of our organisation - to make people happy through music'
Kaito Mizukoshi is a Management Sciences BSc student at the UCL School of Management. He tells us about his experience leading a Student-Led Volunteering Project, UCLef.
Disclosure and Barring Service Checks
If it is a requirement for you to complete a DBS check for your volunteer role, you cannot do the activity in question until you have received your DBS Certificate.
Recruitment and Selection of Volunteers
How do I recruit volunteers?The Volunteering Service is the first place to start. We can help you recruit by:
Finding a Partner Organisation
Before you get in touch with any organisations or schools or anyone within UCL you must speak to your Project Supervisor - there might be something important to explain
Project Planning and Budget Form - guidance
You can apply for up to £500 to run your project.
Risk Assessment Form - guidance
The Volunteering Service will support UCL students to deliver in-person and online community volunteering projects.
Aims, Outcomes and Activities
It’s important to clearly state what you’re trying to achieve, and how you’re going to do it. This is known as setting your Aim, Outcomes and Activities.
How to start a project with your club or society
There is huge potential for you and your members to share your skills and interests with the local community.
How to start a Community Project
If you have a project that involves directly working with people in the community, then the Volunteering Service can support you to plan your project, connect you to a community organisation or school, provide training, apply for funding and guide you
...volunteering forces you to step outside of your comfort zone and get to know real people.
We had the pleasure of chatting with Tingyan Wang, a SELCS MA Translation and Culture Postgraduate, about her one-off volunteering at the Royal Museums Greenwi
Student Volunteering Week 2022
This week is Student Volunteering Week (SVW) 2022, and is the 21st anniversary where we celebrate all things student volunteering.  SVW gives you a great platform to showcase your innovative projects and events - so make sure you take the chance t
"It was very rewarding, being able to support others to achieve their dreams, just like I did before."
Anca is a 3rd year medical student intercalating in Neuroscience. She was able to get involved in research as early as her first year and wanted to enable others to have the same enriching experience.
"Even now, I still think that volunteering is one of the best things I've done at UCL."
Emilia is a second year English student whose Fresher year was characterised by pandemic-induced lockdowns and reduced face-to-face contact at university.
SDG#1 No Poverty
SDG #1: No PovertyOne of the most entangled Sustainable Development Goals is #1, No Poverty, for whatever we would like to achieve as a society, we need to empower people to act first.
SDG #13 Climate Action
The Covid-19 pandemic and the conclusions of the COP26 in Glasgow have drawn attention to societal inequalities and injustices, as well as the climate crisis and its consequences.