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Sports Officers, James and Saiff

It’s finally happened, we’ve taken ownership of our Sports Night! TeamUCL Sports Night is now at a new venue and run by students, for students. We wanted to explain how we came to this decision and why we think it will make Wednesday Nights much better.

We’ve had a lot of feedback since the start of term on Sports Club members’ current experience of Wednesday Nights and what they want to see be improved. Two things quickly became clear: firstly, that there were fundamental issues, and secondly, that we were not in a position to fix them. This is because, as unbelievable as it might seem, students and the Union were not in control of the club night for Sports Clubs. We consulted sports club leaders, and at a Townhall Meeting earlier this term, 100% voted to take control of our Sports Night and move to a new venue, Scala.

We’ve built a new Sports Night for you from the ground up: better benefits for clubs, cheaper tickets, better drink deals and much-improved safety measures. Scala is a bigger club (also only a 12-minute walk from campus) and it has a better layout, enabling us to implement new things like a safe space within the club staffed by a female member of the security team. You’ll see and feel like you’re at a TeamUCL night, rather than just a regular student night, and we know that this night will quickly develop traditions of its own. This is more than a one-liner… We are genuinely free to shape this night to be whatever you’d like it to be, something no other night can offer you. You won’t just see benefits on Wednesdays, profits from the night will go right back into TeamUCL and developing our clubs and our community.

So, when does this kick-off? The opening night is the first Wednesday after Reading Week (17 November); we’ve explained in more detail how the night will work to your Presidents, Treasurers and Social Secs, so expect a post from them with more information on how it will all work. In the meantime, get hyped, practice your dance moves, and get ready for a bright new chapter in TeamUCL history.