Browse all the candidates in the Leadership Race 

See Union Policy for more information.

AGD 2304 Bye-Law Tidy Up

Passed 03/06/2024

In effect from: 16/07/2024

AGD 2303 Complaints & Disciplinary

Passed 03/06/2024

In effect from: 16/07/2024

AGD 2302 Changing the Union Affairs Role to President

Passed 12/12/2023

In effect from: 12/12/2023

AGD 2301 Student Officer Review

Passed 12/12/2023

In effect from: 12/12/2023

AGD 2201 BME Network and Officer Name Change

Passed 12/12/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2023

AGD 2109 UCL East Student Officer

Passed 07/06/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2108 Removal of Bye-Law 11

Passed 07/06/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2107 Bye-Law tidy up

Passed 07/06/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2106 Social Mobility & Class Officer

Passed: 09/05/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2105 Volunteering Officer

Passed: 09/05/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2104 Election arrangements for Student Trustees

Passed: 09/05/2022

In effect from: 16/07/2022

AGD 2103 Community Relations Officer

Passed: 31/01/2022

In effect from: 31/01/2022

AGD 2102 Equity & Inclusion Officer

Passed: 13/12/2021

In effect from: 13/12/2021

AGD 2101 Board Committees

Passed: 11/10/2021

In effect from: 11/10/2021

AGD2008 Bye Laws Tidy Up

Passed: 07/06/2021

In effect from: 07/06/2021

AGD 2007 Include Romantic Minorities and Explicitly Mention Aromantic Spectrum

Passed: 07/06/2021

In effect from: 07/06/2021

AGD2006 Welfare and Community Zone Membership

Passed: 07/06/2021

In effect from: 07/06/2021

AGD2005 Activities Zone Membership

Passed: 07/06/2021

In effect from: 07/06/2021

AGD2004 Referenda

Passed: 11/02/2021

In effect from: 16/07/2021

AGD2003 Student Officers

Passed: 11/02/2021

In effect from: 16/07/2021

AGD2002 Sabbatical Officers

Passed: 11/02/2021

In effect from: 16/07/2021

AGD2001 Welfare and Community Zone

Passed: 16/11/2020

In effect from: 16/11/2020


AGD1908 PGTA Representative

Passed: 10/06/2020

In effect from: 16/07/2020


AGD1907 Minor Bye-Law Changes

Passed: 03/02/2020

In effect from: 03/02/2020


AGD1906 Activities Zone Representatives

Passed: 03/02/2020

In effect from: 16/07/2020


AGD1905 Proxy Voting Rights for Liberation Officers

Passed: 03/02/2020

In effect from: 03/02/2020


AGD1904 Removal of Union Chair and Halls Accommodation Rep

Passed: 09/12/2019

In effect from: 16/07/2020


AGD1903 Postgraduate Officer

Passed: 04/11/2019

In effect from: 04/11/2019


AGD1902 NUS Delegate Elections

Passed: 04/11/2019

In effect from: 04/11/2019


AGD1901 Introduction of Arts Representatives to Activities Zone

Passed: 04/11/2019

In effect from: 04/11/2019


AGD1804 New Bye Laws 

Passed: 28/05/2019


AGD1803 Complaints Procedure 

Passed: 05/03/2019

AGD1802 Democracy Review

Passed: 04/12/2018

AGD1801 External Returning Officer

Passed: 04/12/2018

SR1803 Sabbatical Trustees Terms of Office

Passed: 15/11/2018

SR1802 Quorum for Student Meetings

Passed: 15/11/2018

SR1801 Committees of the Board of Trustees

Passed: 15/11/2018

AGD1706 Election Bye-Laws Tidy Up

Passed: 29/05/2018

AGD1705  General Tidy Up

Passed: 29/05/2018

AGD1704 Sections & Societies

Passed: 29/05/2018

AGD1703 Introduce an Elected Part-Time Trans Officer

Passed: 06/02/18

AGD1702 Faculty Rep Elections

Passed: 06/02/18

AGD1701 Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Students' Union

Passed: 25/01/18

AGD1603 Two-Year Sabbs

Passed: 13/12/16

AGD1602 Officer Portfolio Review

Passed: 13/12/16

AGD1601 Activities Network Officers

Passed: 13/12/16

AGD1503 Bye-Law Tidy up

Passed: 24/05/2016

AGD1502 Activities Network

Passed: 09/02/2016

ADG1501 Bye-Law 2 – Proposed Membership Amendment

Passed: 15/12/2015

AGD1402 Proposal Six: Governance Review Interim

Passed: 20/01/15

AGD1401 Proposal Two Job Shares for Part Time Officer

Passed: 09/12/14

AGD1307 Amendment to the Bye-Laws 2

Passed: 03/06/14

AGD1306 Revision to Bye-Laws (Tidy-Up)

Passed: 03/06/14

AGD1305 Revision to Bye-Law 13

Passed: 03/06/14

AGD1304 Revision to Guidance Documents on Elections

Passed: 03/06/14

AGD1303 Amendment to delete Slade section

Passed: 03/06/14

AGD1302 Amendment to the Bye-Laws

Passed: 25/03/14

AGD1301 Removing bureaucracy around Union Executive Committee

Passed: 04/02/14

AGD1207 Amendment to Bye-Laws (Tidy Up)


AGD1206 Amendment to the Governing Documents – EEOO Role


AGD1205 Bye-Law 16 - Disciplinary Procedures for Members


AGD1204 Changing the Elections Guidance Document in One Reading


AGD1203 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Referendum Question 2: Full time Women's and Black and Minority Ethnic Officers


AGD1202 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Referendum Question 1: Proposed changes to Bye-Laws


AGD1201 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Motion to change the name of UCLU LGBT Forum & Officer to LGBT+


AGD1116 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Sabbatical Officers Need Only Be Students

Passed: 29/05/2012


AGD1115 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Change to UCLU Byelaws – Affiliations

Passed: 29/05/2012


AGD1114 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Motion to re-democratise UCLU

Passed: 20/03/2012


AGD1113 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Liberation Groups

Passed: 20/03/2012


AGD1112 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws- Terms of Reference for Admin

Passed: 20/03/2012


AGD1111 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws- Governance Wars: Return of the Byelaws

Passed: 07/02/2012


AGD1110 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws- Governance Wars: A new Byelaw

Passed: 07/02/2012


AGD1109 Amendments to the UCLU Byelaws: Enhancing democracy at UCLU

Passed: 28/02/2012


AGD1108 Motion to ensure representation of postgraduates

Passed: 28/02/2012


AGD1107 Motion to establish a School of Pharmacy Forum within the UCL Union following the merger of The School of Pharmacy, University of London, with University College London.

Passed: 07/02/2012


AGD1106 ‘Ethics, Environment and Operations Officer’

Passed: 17/01/2012

AGD1105 Governance Wars: The Byelaws strike back

Passed:  29/11/2011


AGD1104 Amendments to proposed policy

Passed:  15/11/2011


AGD1103 Debating Procedure at UCLU Council 

Passed:  15/11/2011


AGD1102 Motion to change the name of the Welfare Officer to the Welfare and International Officer

Passed:  25/10/2011


AGD1101 Special Resolution to Company General Meeting of UCLU

Passed:  23/09/2011