Amendment to the Governing Documents AGD1402 Proposal Six: Governance Review Interim Proposer: Sabeeh Imran Rasool Passed: Union Council, 20 January 2015 Headline Points: This review means: 1. A reduction in officer team size from 10 to 7.5, including retaining the two full-time liberation officers. 2. The restoration of all sabbatical & part-time officers’ votes on UCLU Council. 3. The incorporation of the Institute of Education into our representative structures. 4. An adjustment to the time constraints which affect when General Assemblies can be held, and alters the amount which have to be held in any one term. Executive Summary: The main changes within the officer structure will be the sabbatical officer roles and remits. The proposed new full time roles are as follows: 1. Activities and Events Officer Part Time Officers: Activities Officer and officers elected from within the Activities Network 2. BME Students Officer Part Time Officers: Committee elected by the BME Network 3. Education & Campaigns Officer Part Time Officers: Faculty Reps & Stars, RUMS Officer, School of Pharmacy Students Officer, SSEES Students Officer. 4. Postgraduate Students Officer Part Time Officers: Mature & Part-Time Students Officer. 5. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer This role merges the current work remit of the Ethics, Environment and Operations Officer and the current Democracy and Communications Officer. Added work from DCO: Lead officer on elections & internal governance (with Union Chair), affiliations to external bodies, merging with other institutions. Part-Time Officers: Union Chair, Ethics and Environment Officer. 6. Welfare & International Officer Part-Time Officers: Students With Caring Responsibilities Officer, International Students Officer. 7. Women’s Officer Part Time Officers: Committee elected by the Women’s Network 8. IOE Officer (Part-time Paid) The IOE Officer will overlook the student union aspect of the Institute of Education. This position will be part-time and reimbursed accordingly. Consideration(s): To adopt the changes to the Bye-Laws, as summarised. Appendix: 1. UCLU Bye-Laws August 2014 Bye-Law 1 - General 1. UCLU is a company limited by guarantee. 2. Words and phrases used in these Bye - Laws have the meanings as ascribed to them in the Memorandum & Ar ticles of the Union. 3. The Memorandum & Articles shall take precedence over these Bye - Laws and these Bye - Laws shall not be interpreted or applied in any way that is inconsistent with the Memorandum & Articles. 4. In the case of confusion or contradiction in the se Bye - Laws, the Steering Committee shall have power to interpret their wording. 5. These Bye - Laws may be amended by the Union Council, General Assembly or Referendum, in accordance with the relevant sections in these Bye - Laws, via a special resolution with a 75% majority vote. 1.5.a. Amendments to the Bye - Laws must be submitted to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer at least ten working days before the meeting they are to be heard at, and displayed on the Union website within one working day of their submission. 1.5.b. They may also be altered by a 75% majority vote of a Referendum, with method of submission and display the same as for a General Assembly. 1.5.c. The Union Council and General Assemblies may suspend any given section of the Bye - Laws on an emergency b asis by a 75% majority if they deem that 1.5.c.i. Certain Bye - Laws contradict each other; or 1.5.c.ii.Certain Bye - Laws are being, or are in imminent danger of being, abused and such a suspension is necessary to uphold the proper democratic process. 6. Rules and provisions made in Guidance Documents carry the same weight as rules contained within the Bye - Laws themselves. 1.6.a. Guidance Documents shall exist as appendices of the Bye - Laws. 1.6.b. Guidance Documents shall require a 75% majority vote at Union Council or a General Assembly to be adopted or amended, and shall be submitted to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer at least ten working days before the meeting they are to be heard at, and displayed on the Union website within one working day of their submission. 1.6.c. Rules and provisions made in a Guidance Document shall not be considered to lapse unless the Guidance Document specifies that they shall, or they are replaced or superseded in a later Guidance Document. 7. UCLU is fully committed to equal opportunities and will strive to ensure that no Member or member of staff is subject to discrimination in any form. Wherever necessary use will be made of lawful exemptions to cater for special needs of particular groups. All Officers should strive to ensure equal opportunities within their remit. All meetings must be accessible to all Members, that includes venues and papers. 8. UCLU may affiliate to any external organisation provided that such affiliations do not violate relevant law or the Memorandum & Articles or Bye - Laws. All affilia tions shall be posted on the website and approved at the Annual General Assembly or Union Council should this meeting not reach quorum. Any new affiliation to, or disaffiliation from, a political or other sectarian organisation shall require a majority vot e on a motion put to a General Assembly or Referendum. Current affiliations shall continue indefinitely subject to annual approval at a General Assembly. 9. The Union shall publish an annual report for submission at a Union Council. It will then be submitted to the UCL Council before its last meeting of the session. 10. The Union shall observe the UCL Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech. Bye-Law 2 - Membership 1. All UCL students are automatically Members of UCLU unless they opt out. 2. Regulations of Membership shall be as stat ed in the Memorandum & Articles. 3. Associate membership of the Union shall be open to all members of UCL staff (including honorary members of the academic staff), Union staff, Fellows of UCL, past students of UCL and those who are employed by the UCL; upon p ayment of the relevant membership fee, as laid down by Union Council. 4. Honorary Life Membership of the Union may be granted by Union Council. 5. Visiting membership of the Union may be granted by the Union Council to members of Students' Unions or equivalent s ocieties in other Colleges or Universities for a period not exceeding twelve months, upon payment of a membership fee as laid down by Union Council. 6. Students may opt out of their Membership of the Union by informing the Sustainability, Engagement & Operati ons Officer in writing. Students that opt out of their Membership are not able to take part in the democratic processes of the Union, but retain their right to access non - grant aided facilities and the UCLU Rights & Advice Centre. 2.6.a. They may still join Clubs & Societies once the relevant associate member fee has been paid. 2.6.b. They may not hold an elected position within a club or society; nor vote in a club or society elections. Bye-Law 3 - Faculty & Halls Assemblies, Networks and Autonomous Sections 1. Faculty and Halls Assemblies 3.1.a. Faculty Assemblies and Halls Assemblies shall be open meetings to enable the students of a particular Faculty or Halls to: 3.1.a.i. Organise and coordinate campaigning relating to their Faculty or Halls. 3.1.a.ii.Raise issues affecting them as a member of their Facul ty or Halls. 3.1.a.iii. Ask questions of, and hear reports from, their Faculty or Halls Representative. 3.1.a.iv. Instruct their Faculty or Halls Representative(s). 3.1.a.v. Recall their Faculty or Halls Representative(s) as described elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. 3.1.b. Faculty Representatives shall be responsible for organising and facilitating Faculty Assemblies, and shall ensure that a record is made of the discussions and action points. The Education & Campaigns Officer shall help and advise Faculty Representatives in this task. 3.1.c. Halls Repres entatives shall be responsible for organising and facilitating Halls Assemblies, and shall ensure that a record is made of the discussions and action points. The Welfare Officer and the Halls Accommodation Representative shall help and advise Halls Represe ntatives in this task. 3.1.d. A Faculty Assembly may be called by any Faculty Representative or the Education & Campaigns Officer. The Faculty Representatives in a particular faculty must call a Faculty Assembly within five working days of a request from at least five students of their Faculty. 3.1.e. A Halls Assembly may be called by any Halls Representative, the Welfare Officer or the Halls Accommodation Representative. A Halls Representative must call a Halls Assembly within five working days of a request from at leas t five students from their Halls. 3.1.f. The Union Chair may call and chair Halls Assemblies or Faculty Assemblies on receipt of a valid motion to recall a Halls Rep or Faculty Rep as described elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. 3.1.g. A Faculty may have separate Faculty Assemb lies to discuss issues affecting undergraduates, taught postgraduates and research postgraduates. 3.1.h. The respective representative shall ensure that meetings of Assemblies are announced publicly on the Union website at least five days before, except in the ca se of Emergency Assemblies. 2. Networks 3.2.a. Networks shall exist to allow groups of Officers and Members to meet to share information and to coordinate and plan the implementation of relevant policies and democratic decisions. 3.2.b. Networks shall report their activiti es to the Union Executive Committee, and remain accountable to the Union Executive Committee for the implementation of relevant Policy. 3.2.c. Meetings of all Networks and Assemblies shall be announced publicly on the Union website at least five days before, exce pt in the case of Emergency Meetings or Assemblies. 3.2.d. Accommodation Network 3.2.d.i. All Halls Representatives, the Halls Accommodation Representative, the External Accommodation Officer and the Welfare Officer shall attend Accommodation Network meetings, which shall also be open to all Members. 3.2.d.ii. The purposes of Accommodation Network meetings shall be: 3.2.d.ii.1. To enable Members and Officers to share information and raise issues relating to student accommodation. 3.2.d.ii.2. To enable Members and Officers to organise and coordinate campaig ning relating to student accommodation. 3.2.d.ii.3. To consider issues discussed at Hall Assemblies. 3.2.d.iii. Accommodation Network meetings shall be called by the Welfare Officer as needed, and in any case at least once per term. 3.2.e. Education & Welfare Network 3.2.e.i. The Education & Welfare Network will be attended by: 3.2.e.i.1. All Faculty Representatives. 3.2.e.i.2. The Education & Campaigns Officer. 3.2.e.i.3. The Welfare Officer. 3.2.e.i.4. The Postgraduate Students' Officer. 3.2.e.i.5. . 3.2.e.i.6. Any Member who wishes to participate. 3.2.e.ii.The Education & Campaigns Officer shall also specifically contact student academic representatives to invite them to attend each meeting. 3.2.e.iii. The purposes of Education & Welfare Network meetings shall be: 3.2.e.iii.1. To enable Officers and Members to share information and raise academic and academic welfare issues. 3.2.e.iii.2. To organise a nd coordinate campaigning relating to academic and welfare issues. 3.2.e.iv. Education & Welfare Network meetings shall be called by the Education & Campaigns Officer as needed, and in any case at least once per term. 3.2.f. Activities Network 3.2.f.i. The remit of Activities Netwo rk shall be the Union's Clubs and Societies', charitable fund - raising, and volunteering activities. 3.2.f.ii. The purposes of Activities Network shall be: 3.2.f.ii.1. To direct the Clubs & Societies', charitable fund - raising and volunteering activity in a manner consistent with the Memorandum & Articles, Bye - Laws and Policy. 3.2.f.ii.2. To enable Members and Officers to share information and raise issues related to its remit. 3.2.f.ii.3. To oversee the awarding of Colours and other awards in recognition of Clubs’ Societies and students’ achievements. 3.2.f.ii.4. To produce Policy recommendations related to its remit. 3.2.f.ii.5. To receive Activities Network Executive's reports and hold it to account. 3.2.f.iii. Activities Network shall be responsible for proposing to Union Council any Guidance Documents it deems necessary to govern it s remit, meetings, Officers and elections. 3.2.f.iv. Activities Network will be attended by the Activities Network Executive. 3.2.f.v. Activities Network meetings shall be open to all Members. Activities Network meetings shall be called by the Activities & Events Officer o r the Activities Officer as needed, and in any case at least twice per term. 3.2.f.vii. Activities Network meetings shall elect Officers in October whose terms shall last one year or until the next election, whichever is shorter. At least twenty - five members must be present for an election, by - election or recall to be valid. These Officers shall include: 3.2.f.vii.1. Arts Societies Officer 3.2.f.vii.2. Sports Clubs Officer 3.2.f.vii.3. Volunteering Officer 3.2.f.vii.4. General Interest Societies Officer 3.2.f.vii.5. RAG Officer 3.2.f.viii. Activities Network Executive shall be a committee of e lected Officers that is responsible for driving activity between Activities Network meetings, to be called when required by the Activities Officer or Activities & Events Officer. It shall be attended by relevant staff. Activities Network Executive shall re port to each Activities Network meeting, which may choose to refer its actions and decisions to Union Council. 3.2.f.ix. Activities Network Executive shall include the following members: 3.2.f.ix.1. Activities Officer (Chair) 3.2.f.ix.2. Activities & Events Officer 3.2.f.ix.3. All Officers elected by Activities Network meetings 3.2.f.ix.4. One Officer elected by RUMS 3.2.f.ix.5. One Officer elected by the Postgraduate Association 3.2.f.x. Activities Network Executive shall be responsible for decisions related to Club & Society affiliation, disaffiliation, and disciplinary matters. 3.2.g. Eth ics & Environment Network 3.2.g.i. The purposes of Ethics & Environment Network shall be: 3.2.g.i.1. To direct the Union on its ethical practices such as employment, procurement etc. 3.2.g.i.2. To direct the Union on its environmental sustainability as an organisation. 3.2.g.i.3. To organise and l ead campaigns for the University to improve its own ethical practices and environmental sustainability. 3.2.g.i.4. To produce Policy recommendations related to its remit. 3.2.g.ii. The Network shall meet at least once per term, called by the Sustainability, Engagement & Operat ions Officer Officer or the Ethics & Environment Officer. 3.2.g.iii. Ethics & Environment Network meetings shall be attended by: 3.2.g.iii.1. Ethics & Environment Officer 3.2.g.iii.2. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer Officer 3.2.g.iii.3. . 3.2.g.iv. Meetings shall be open to all interested Members an d recommended to societies with related aims. 3. Autonomous Sections 3.3.a. Autonomous Sections are organisations that exist to represent and serve particular groups of Members. 3.3.b. There shall be two types of Autonomous Sections: Liberation Sections and Academic Sectio ns. 3.3.c. Activities in which Autonomous Sections may engage in pursuit of their objectives include but are not limited to: 3.3.c.i. Campaigning. 3.3.c.ii.Representing their members within UCLU. 3.3.c.iii. Representing their members in relevant UCL committees. 3.3.c.iv. Representing their members to relevant external student organisations such as NUS. 3.3.c.v. Organising services and social, academic, cultural and athletic activities targeted specifically at their members. 4. Governance of Autonomous Sections 3.4.a. Each Autonomous Section and its Officers and meetings (including matters of quorum and procedures for Constitutional amendments) shall be governed by a Constitution, subject to any requirements in the Bye - Laws. 3.4.b. With the permission of an Autonomous Section's Convenor or Autonomous Section's Executive Committee , Union Council may amend or create that Autonomous Section's Constitution by a two - thirds majority vote. 3.4.c. If an Autonomous Section lacks a procedure for creating or amending its Constitution, a two - thirds majority vote of a quorate, advertised open meeting attended by at least twenty - five of its members shall be sufficient. 3.4.d. Each Autonomous Section shall hold democratic open meetings at which its members can discuss relevant issues, set the Autonomous Section's Policy, and direct the Autonomous Section's Off icers. 3.4.e. Each Autonomous Section shall be coordinated by its Convenor with the support of the assisting Sabbatical Officer, both to be specified elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. The assisting Sabbatical Officer shall attend open meetings and Autonomous Section Exe cutive Committee meetings and assist the Autonomous Section as required by its Officers and Constitution. Where the Convenor is a Sabbatical Officer, an assisting Sabbatical Officer shall not be required. 3.4.f. A Constitution may define additional elected Office rs within the Autonomous Section. It must specify their responsibilities as well as mechanisms for their election and for their recall for any reason. These Officers shall, along with the Convenor and any ex - officio positions specified in the Autonomous Se ction's Constitution, constitute the Executive Committee of that Autonomous Section. If specified in the Autonomous Section's Constitution, these Officers may be elected in the elections detailed in Section 11. They may also be elected at open meetings of the Autonomous Section. 3.4.g. Subject to their own constitutions and the oversight of the Board of Trustees, Autonomous Sections shall be free to set their own Policy, to act, and to spend their own resources as they see fit, except that they may not directly co ntradict or violate the Memorandum & Articles or these Bye - Laws. 5. Liberation Sections 3.5.a. Liberation Sections shall exist to enable their members to self - organise in order to lead efforts to: 3.5.a.i. challenge and change discrimination, oppression and inequality that t hey face. 3.5.a.ii.defend and extend their rights. 3.5.a.iii. represent and further their particular concerns, needs and interests within UCLU, UCL and beyond. 3.5.a.iv. ensure that UCLU's actions do not unfairly exclude, neglect or discriminate against them. 3.5.a.v. promote and facilitate soc ial intercourse and cooperation amongst themselves. 3.5.b. The Welfare Officer shall be the assisting Sabbatical Officer for each Liberation Section whose Convenor is not a Sabbatical Officer. 3.5.c. Each Liberation Section's Constitution must make provision for the sel f - representation of members who are also members of the other Liberation Sections. This may be arranged in coordination with the other Liberation Sections. 3.5.d. The Liberation Sections shall be: 3.5.d.i. the Women's Network 3.5.d.i.1. The members shall self - define as women. 3.5.d.i.2. The Co nvenor shall be the Women's Officer. 3.5.d.ii. the Black & Minority Ethnic Students' Section 3.5.d.ii.1. The members shall self - define as black and/or minority ethnic. 3.5.d.ii.2. The Convenor shall be the Black & Minority Ethnic Students' Officer. 3.5.d.iii. the Disabled Students' Section 3.5.d.iii.1. The member s shall self - define as disabled. This shall include non - visible disabilities. 3.5.d.iii.2. The Convenor shall be the Disabled Students' Officer. 3.5.d.iv. the LGBT+ Students' Section 3.5.d.iv.1. The members shall self - define as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* and/or any other gender/sexual m inority including but not limited to Asexual spectrum, Queer and Intersex. 3.5.d.iv.2. The Convenor shall be the LGBT+ Officer. 6. Academic Sections 3.6.a. The membership of each Academic Section shall be a sub - set of the UCL student body with specific circumstances or school a ffiliations that significantly affect their needs, concerns and interests as students. 3.6.b. Academic Sections shall exist to enable their members to self - organise in order to: 3.6.b.i. represent and further their particular concerns, needs and interests within UCLU, UCL and beyond. 3.6.b.ii. promote and facilitate social intercourse and cooperation among themselves. 3.6.c. Each Academic Section's Constitution must make provision for the self - representation of the members of each Liberation Section within that Academic Section. This may b e arranged in coordination with the Liberation Sections, for instance by creating ex - officio positions on the Academic Section Executive Committee for an Officer from each Liberation Section. 3.6.d. The Academic Sections shall be: 3.6.d.i. the Postgraduate Association 3.6.d.i.1. The members shall be postgraduate students. 3.6.d.i.2. The Convenor shall be the Postgraduate Students' Officer. 3.6.d.ii. Royal Free, University College, & Middlesex Medical Students (RUMS) 3.6.d.ii.1. The members shall be medical students. 3.6.d.ii.2. The Convenor shall be the RUMS Officer. 3.6.d.ii.3. The assist ing Sabbatical Officer shall be the Education & Campaigns Officer. 3.6.d.iii. International Students' Section 3.6.d.iii.1. The members shall be international students. 3.6.d.iii.2. The Convenor shall be the International Students' Officer. 3.6.d.iii.3. The assisting Sabbatical Officer shall be the Welfare Officer. 3.6.d.iv. Mature & Part - time Students' Section 3.6.d.iv.1. The members shall be mature and/or part - time students. 3.6.d.iv.2. The Convenor shall be the Mature & Part - time Students' Officer. 3.6.d.iv.3. The assisting Sabbatical Officer shall be the Postgraduate Students' Officer. 3.6.d.v. School of Sl avonic & East European Studies (SSEES) Students' Section 3.6.d.v.1. The members shall be SSEES students. 3.6.d.v.2. The Convenor shall be the SSEES Students' Officer. 3.6.d.v.3. The assisting Sabbatical Officer shall be the Education & Campaigns Officer. School of Pharmacy Students' Secti on The members shall be School of Pharmacy students. The Convenor shall be the School of Pharmacy Students' Officer. The assisting Sabbatical Officer shall be the Education & Campaigns .Officer. 6.d.vii Institute of Education Students' Section 6.d.vii.1 The member s shall be Institute of Education students 6.d.vii.2 The Convenor shall be the Institute of Education Students Officer 6.d.vii.3 The assissting sabbatical officer shall be the Postgraduate Students Officer Bye-Law 1 - Union Council 1. Purpose 1.1.a. Union Council exists to rep resent the voice of members between General Assemblies and Referenda, and to create Policy and monitor its execution. 1.1.b. Union Council is also responsible for the development and implementation of the Union's Strategic Plan. 1.1.c. Union Council may delegate any giv en area of its powers to the Union Executive Committee between meetings, except the creation of Policy. 2. Composition 1.2.a. The composition of Union Council shall be: 1.2.a.i. Union Chair (Chair) 1.2.a.ii.Faculty Representatives (fifty, elected as described elsewhere in the Bye - Law s) 1.2.a.iii. . All Sabbatical Officers The Convenors of the Academic Sections 1.2.a.iv. The Convenors of the Liberation Sections who are part - time officers 1.2.a.v. The Activities Officer The Community Relations Officer 1.2.a.vii. The Sustainability Officer 1.2.a.viii. The Halls Accommodation Representativ e 1.2.a.ix. The External Accommodation Officer 1.2.a.x. The Officer for Students with Caring Responsibilities 1.2.b. All members of Union Council shall have voting rights, except the Chair who shall retain the casting vote should there be a tie. 1.2.c. . 1.2.d. Any member of the Union may atte nd meetings of Union Council with speaking rights but not voting rights. 1.2.e. Anyone who is not a member of the Union may attend meetings of the Union Council at the Chair’s discretion. They may be granted speaking rights at the discretion of the members prese nt. 3. Proxies 1.3.a. An Autonomous Section Convenor may appoint a proxy for any Union Council meeting by notifying the Chair in writing at least three hours in advance of the meeting. 1.3.b. The proxy must be an elected Officer of that Autonomous Section. 1.3.c. A proxy shall exercise all the rights of the Convenor in question during that meeting. No person may exercise the rights of more than one Officer in any one meeting. 4. Protocol 1.4.a. Union Council shall meet at least twice in each of the first and second terms, and at least onc e in the third term, not including meetings triggered by an inquorate General Assembly. 1.4.a.i. Additional meetings may be called by a petition, submitted to the Chair, of ten members of Union Council, or by act of the Chair, or by a resolution of the Union Execut ive Committee. 1.4.a.ii.Quorum shall be 25% plus one of the elected voting members. 1.4.a.iii. Union Council members who fail to attend two consecutive Union Council meetings without offering apologies shall be ignored in the calculation of quorum until they resume attendance . The Chair shall contact the Union Council member to notify them within one working day of the second meeting. If the Union Council member fails to attend a third consecutive meeting without offering apologies, the Chair shall notify Union Council and the Union Council member's constituents. 1.4.b. The agenda, including all necessary papers, shall be circulated at least three working days before the meeting. 1.4.c. Minutes of the meeting shall be approved at the subsequent meeting and then posted on the Union website wi thin five working days. 1.4.d. Union Council will receive a report from the Chair of the Board of Trustees after each meeting. 1.4.e. At every meeting Union Council will receive to the meeting notes from the Networks, Assemblies and Sections and may question any member of Union Council. 1.4.f. Union Council will elect Union members, or make ex - officio appointments of Officers, to UCL committees, except where this responsibility is delegated to a relevant Autonomous Section. Representatives elected to UCL committees by Union Cou ncil may be recalled by a simple majority vote on an ordinary motion, in which case an election to replace the representative shall be held as soon as is possible. 1.4.g. Union Council may delegate areas of work to working groups that are charged with taking forw ard activity between Union Council meetings. They shall consist of at least three Union Council members, and may also involve students who are not members of Union Council. 1.4.h. There should be a Union Council meeting scheduled to follow each General Assembly t o be able to consider any business which has not been dealt with at the General Assembly, and that Union Council is empowered to deal with. Any business dealt with shall take the time of submission to the General Assembly to be the time of submission for t he meeting of Union Council. If there is no business to consider, the meeting shall not occur. 5. Chairing 1.5.a. The Chair is charged with keeping the meeting in order, ensuring remarks are relevant and providing information that is relevant to the business and pro cedure of the meeting. 1.5.b. The Chair shall have casting vote where the decision is tied. 1.5.c. The Chair may grant observers who are not Members speaking rights. 1.5.d. The Chair may vacate the Chair to participate in debate; otherwise they may not participate in debate. Should the Chair participate in debate, the meeting will appoint an Acting Chair for this debate. 1.5.e. The Chair shall be heard in silence and may expel any member if they refuse to obey the procedure of the meeting and are acting in a way that disrupts the me eting or unfairly prevents other members from participating. Before leaving, the expelled member shall have the right to call for a procedural motion to challenge or no confidence the Chair over this decision. If such a motion is called, the expelled membe r may remain in the meeting for the discussion, however they may not vote on the procedural motion. 6. Discussions and Policy 1.6.a. All Policy adopted by Union Council must be put in written form (i.e. a motion) to a vote. 1.6.a.i. Except in the case of emergencies, motions must be submitted to the Chair at least four working days before a meeting. 1.6.a.ii.Any member of the Union may propose a motion. 1.6.b. General issues for discussion must be submitted to the Chair, including any supporting paper work. 1.6.b.i. Any member of the Union can submit an issue for discussion. 1.6.b.ii. They must be submitted at least four working days before a meeting. 1.6.b.iii. The proposer of the issues must set a clear objective for its inclusion on the agenda, which shall be included on the agenda. 1.6.c. Emergency motions and discussion poi nts relate to issues that have occurred after the deadline for submission or whose matter cannot be deferred until the next scheduled meeting. They must be submitted to the Chair no less than three hours before the meeting starts and will be taken at the e nd of the agenda. 1.6.d. Discussions on each motion will follow a fair debating procedure, with speeches for and against and an opportunity for those present to pose questions to the speakers. There will then be opportunity for an open discussion, timing for whic h may be set by the Chair. 1.6.e. Once the debate is balanced and the Chair is satisfied that there has been adequate discussion, Union Council shall move to a vote. 7. Procedure 1.7.a. A procedural motion may be called at any time unless voting has started. A simple major ity is required in order for it to pass, unless otherwise specified. 1.7.b. Before moving to a vote, the Chair shall explain the procedural motion and ensure that all present are given an opportunity to ask the Chair to clarify. 1.7.c. Challenge the Chair : Challenge mus t be made immediately after the ruling that is to be challenged. The support of ten members of Union Council is required to hear the case. The Chair shall step down and an Acting Chair will be elected. The proposer will speak, followed by the Chair before the meeting moves straight to a vote. Either may waive their speeches to another member present. If the procedural motion passes, the ruling is overturned. 1.7.d. No confidence in the Chair : The support of ten members of Union Council is required to hear the case . The Chair shall step down and an Acting Chair will be elected. The proposer will speak, followed by the Chair before the meeting moves straight to a vote. Either may waive their speeches to another member present. . If the procedural motion passes, the m eeting shall proceed with the Acting Chair. Otherwise, the Chair shall be reinstated. 1.7.e. Adjournment of the meeting : The proposer shall outline the duration of the adjournment and the reasoning. There will be a speech for and against before the meeting moves straight to a vote on the procedural motion. 1.7.f. Move straight to the vote : The Chair shall conduct a vote on whether or not the meeting should move straight to a vote on the current matter. It can only be proposed if there have been equal numbers of speeches for and against the matter being discussed. 1.7.g. Refer the matter back : A matter may be referred back to its original proposer for reasons set by the proposer of the procedural motion. There will be at least one speech for and one speech against before the meet ing moves straight to a vote on the procedural motion. 1.7.h. Refer the matter forward : A matter may be referred forward to a General Assembly or Referendum, to the next meeting of Union Council, or to any Faculty or Halls Assembly, Autonomous Section or Network. There will be at least one speech for and one speech against before the meeting moves straight to a vote on the procedural motion. A General Assembly may not refer a matter forward to a Referendum. 1.7.i. Private session : Union Council may vote to move to privat e session. There will be one speech for and one speech against before the meeting moves straight to a vote on the procedural motion. If passed, all in attendance will be excluded, except the General Manager, members of the Union Executive Committee, and me mbers of Union Council. 1.7.j. Suspend Bye - Laws on an emergency basis : This procedural motion shall require a 75% majority. The proposer of the procedural motion shall specify which Bye - Laws are to be suspended and for what period. The Chair shall ensure reasonab le assistance is offered to the proposer to identify relevant Bye - Laws. There shall be one speech for and one against the motion, as well as an opportunity for general discussion, questions and clarifications about the potential ramifications, before the v ote. If it passes, a meeting of the Steering Committee shall be called at the earliest reasonable opportunity to consider the suspension. 1.7.k. Delete part of a motion or amendment : The proposer shall specify which part of a motion or amendment is to be deleted. There will be at least one speech for and one speech against before the meeting moves to a vote on the proposal. 1.7.l. Take a motion in parts : The proposer shall specify any number of parts of the motion or amendment which should be voted on separately. There w ill be at least one speech for and one speech against before the meeting moves to a vote on the procedural motion. If it passes, each part of the amendment or motion shall be discussed and voted on separately. The proposer of the procedural motion will the n become the proposer of the motion. 1.7.m. Alter the order of the agenda : The proposer shall specify a change to the order of items on the agenda. There will be at least one speech for and one speech against before the meeting moves to a vote on the proposal. 1.7.n. Ma ke an Amendment not on the agenda : The proposer shall specify an alteration to a motion or amendment which is under discussion. These may include minor substantive changes or non - substantive clarificatory or drafting changes, but may not significantly alte r the overall character or subject of the motion. It is at the discretion of the Chair to decide whether proposed amendments are permissible. If the amendment is deemed permissible, debate and voting shall proceed as if for a normally submitted amendment. Bye-Law 2 - Union Executive Committee 1. Purpose 2.1.a. The Union Executive Committee shall be responsible for: 2.1.a.i. ensuring and monitoring the implementation of Policy; and recommending to Union Council and the membership on areas in which Policy might usefully be created. 2.1.a.ii.the da y to day operation of the Union, and for the implementation of the Strategic Plan under direction from the Union Council. 2.1.b. The Union Executive Committee shall report to every meeting of Union Council and every General Assembly on the implementation of Polic y. 2.1.c. The Union Executive Committee shall be a subcommittee of Union Council. 2. Authority 2.2.a. The Union Executive Committee shall have responsibility for the day to day running of the Union in accordance with Policy. 2.2.b. In cases where additional Policy is deemed neces sary, the Union Executive Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of Union Council on an emergency basis if: 2.2.b.i. action is necessary to further the Objects and Policy of the Union, and 2.2.b.ii. such action must be taken before it is reasonably possible for Unio n Council or the Membership to create relevant Policy. 2.2.c. If there is no Policy relating to the emergency matter at hand, the Union Executive Committee shall call either an emergency meeting of the Union Council or an Extraordinary General Assembly. 2.2.d. The decis ions of the Union Executive Committee may be overruled by Union Council, General Assemblies and Referenda. 2.2.e. Decisions made by the Union Executive Committee shall be ratified at the next Union Council or General Assembly. 3. Meetings and Chairing 2.3.a. Meetings shall take place every two weeks during term time. 2.3.b. Additional meetings of the Union Executive Committee may be called by a decision of the Union Executive Committee, by request of three of its members, or by Union Council. 2.3.c. All meetings shall be open to all memb ers of the Union. 4. Quorum 2.4.a. The quorum for the Union Executive Committee shall be 50% of its members, providing that at least two of its non - sabbatical members are present. 5. Composition 2.5.a. The members of the Union Executive Committee shall be as follows: 2.5.a.i. All Sabb atical Officers 2.5.a.ii.The LGBT+ Officer 2.5.a.iii. The Disabled Students' Officer 2.5.a.iv. The Sustainability Officer 2.5.a.v. The Community Relations Officer The Activities Officer 2.5.a.vii. The International Students' Officer 2.5.a.viii. The Halls Accommodation Representative 2.5.a.ix. The External Accommodation Officer 2.5.a.x. The Institute of Education Students' Officer 6. Chair 2.6.a. The Chair of the Union Executive Committee shall be elected at the beginning of each meeting. 2.6.b. The Chair shall retain full voting rights. 7. Voting 2.7.a. All votes at the Union Executive Committee shall be by simp le majority. 2.7.b. If a vote is tied at the Union Executive Committee, it shall fall. 8. Organisation and Contingency 2.8.a. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall be responsible for convening the agenda papers for meetings of the Union Executive Commit tee, and shall facilitate the election of the Chair. Bye-Law 3 - Referenda 1. Any issue decided by a Referendum shall overrule any decision made at a General Assembly, Union Council, Network or Committee except for Committees of the Board of Trustees. 2. A Referendum canno t overrule, but may criticise and request reconsideration of, any decision made by a Company General Meeting or the Board of Trustees. 3. A Referendum may be called by any of the following: 3.3.a. A simple majority vote of Union Council. 3.3.b. By a Secure Petition of at l east 2% of the Membership, which must list the names, departments and signatures of the members and be handed to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer. 3.3.c. A simple majority vote of a Company General Meeting. 3.3.d. A resolution of the Board of Trustees . 4. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall be charged with organising the Referendum based on a schedule approved by Union Council. The schedule may be proposed verbally to Union Council and amended in discussion and shall not require form al submission as a motion. 5. The Referendum will finish within four term weeks of when it was called. 6. Quorum for a Referendum shall be 5% of the Membership. If the quorum is not met the matter shall be decided by a General Assembly which must take place at l east two term weeks after the Referendum. The decision of such a meeting shall carry the weight of a General Assembly and not of a Referendum. 7. The Referendum shall be conducted by means of a cross - campus ballot. 8. Voting shall be open for at least twenty - fou r hours. 3.8.a. Voting shall usually be conducted online through a secure poll on the Union website unless the Union Council deems it more appropriate to hold a paper ballot. 3.8.b. Provision must be made for members who require an alternative format for voting. 9. At leas t three open meetings shall be held prior to the open of voting to debate the proposal. One of these must be held on one working day before polling commences. 10. These open meetings shall: 3.10.a. Be publicised at least five working days in advance. 3.10.b. Be open to all me mbers of the Union. 3.10.c. Be chaired by the Union Chair. 11. The Referendum proposal must include the text of the proposal to be put to the Membership. It must also include the names of two members of the Union who are prepared to act as proposer and seconder of the proposal. It may not include a date for the Referendum, this will be decided by Union Council. 12. Amendments to a Referendum proposal may be made only if agreed by a 75% majority vote of the originating body, at least three working days before voting opens. 13. Once submitted, a Referendum proposal can only be withdrawn by the originating body. 14. The Referendum proposal to be considered must be displayed on the Union website by the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer within one working day of its callin g date. Bye-Law 4 - General Assemblies 1. Members' Meetings as defined in the Memorandum & Articles shall be referred to as “General Assemblies”. 2. All members of the Union shall be entitled to attend General Assemblies. 3. There shall be four types of General Assemblies: th e Union General Assembly, the Annual General Assembly, the Welcome General Assembly and the Extraordinary General Assembly. 4. Only members may vote at a General Assembly. 5. Members also have the right to speak on any motion or amendment, vote on any item of de bate, move for a procedural motion, call for a quorum count, call for a recount, request a ruling from the Chair, or request that a guest speaker address the meeting. 6. A General Assembly shall take precedence over all meetings of societies wherever they are held. 7. Quorum for a General Assembly shall be 2% of the Membership. 4.7.a. If, after fifteen minutes of the published start time of the General Assembly, at least 0.5% but less than 2% of the Members are present, a meeting of the Members shall proceed with the sa me procedures and agenda as a General Assembly except that: 4.7.a.i. The meeting shall only consider business that Union Council is empowered to consider. 4.7.a.ii.Quorum shall be 0.5%. 4.7.a.iii. All votes shall be indicative and not binding. 4.7.a.iv. Union Council shall meet the same day or the next working day to consider all matters passed or approved by the meeting. The Union Chair shall inform Union Council that they are urged to ratify the decisions made by Members at the meeting. 4.7.b. Should an attendance of 0.5% of Members not be reached wi thin thirty minutes of the published start time, the agenda items shall be considered at the next meeting of Union Council (except business which cannot be determined at Union Council), or the next scheduled General Assembly, whichever is soonest. 8. No quest ion once decided may be reopened at the same meeting. 9. Proof of Union membership may be required to vote or speak at a General Assembly. 10. Policy adopted at a General Assembly shall overrule any Policy determined by Union Council. 11. A General Assembly, by a maj ority vote, may also choose to exercise any power ordinarily vested in Union Council, unless explicitly prohibited from doing so. 12. Annual General Assembly 4.12.a. An Annual General Assembly shall be held once per annum in the second term. 4.12.b. Union Council shall approv e the time and place of the Annual General Assembly with the proviso that it should not be held in the first or second week of term. 4.12.c. Notice of at least five working days for an Annual General Assembly will be given on the Union website. The date of the Ann ual General Assembly shall be publicised at least six term weeks before the meeting. 4.12.d. The agenda for the Annual General Assembly shall be displayed on the Union website at least three working days in advance of the meeting. 13. Welcome General Assembly 4.13.a. The Welc ome General Assembly shall be held once per annum in the first five weeks of the first term. 4.13.b. The date of the Welcome General Assembly shall be approved by Union Council and publicised from the first day of the first term on the Union website, and in any ma terial posted to members and incoming students during the Summer. 14. Extraordinary General Assembly 4.14.a. Notice of at least five working days for an Extraordinary General Assembly will be given on the Union website. 4.14.b. The Union Chair may be required to call an Extra ordinary General Assembly by any of the following: 4.14.b.i. A proposal to Union Council, passed by a simple majority. 4.14.b.ii. A member of Union Council on receipt of a written request from 2% of the Membership. 4.14.b.iii. A member of Union Council on written receipt of a notice of ap peal against a decision of a disciplinary hearing. 4.14.b.iv. As required by no confidence and recall procedures specified elsewhere. 4.14.b.v. As a result of an inquorate Referendum. The Union Chair may also decide to call an Extraordinary General Meeting without a request. 15. Union General Assembly 4.15.a. Shall be at least once in each of the first and second terms. 4.15.b. The Union Chair shall be responsible for the arrangements of an Extraordinary General Assembly. 4.15.c. Notice of at least three term weeks will be given on the Union website and b y email to all Members for each Union General Assembly. 16. Procedure 4.16.a. Minutes shall be taken by the General Manager or their appointee. 4.16.b. A copy of the draft minutes of General Assemblies and the motions passed must be displayed by the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer within ten working days of the meeting on the Union website. 4.16.c. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall be responsible for conveying all decisions made at General Assemblies to the Membership by: 4.16.c.i. Including a summary of business on the Union website. 4.16.c.ii. Submitting details to the editors of UCLU student media outlets. 4.16.c.iii. Any other means as outlined by Union Council from time to time. 4.16.d. The business in the Annual General Assembly shall be: 4.16.d.i. Minutes of previous General Assemblies 4.16.d.ii. Mat ters Arising 4.16.d.iii. Acceptance of the Agenda 4.16.d.iv. Motions 4.16.d.v. Special Resolutions Questions to Officers 4.16.d.vii. Report to Membership 4.16.d.viii. Any other business 4.16.e. The business in a Welcome General Assembly and an Union General Assembly shall be: 4.16.e.i. Acceptance of the agenda 4.16.e.ii. Motions 4.16.e.iii. Special Reso lutions 4.16.e.iv. Questions to Officers 4.16.e.v. Any other business 4.16.f. The business in an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be: 4.16.f.i. Acceptance of the Agenda 4.16.f.ii. Motions 4.16.f.iii. Special Resolutions 4.16.f.iv. Any other business 17. Chair 4.17.a. The Chair of General Assemblies shall be the Union Chair. In their ab sence a member who is not a Sabbatical Officer will be elected from the floor to chair the meeting. 4.17.b. The duties of the Chair are the same as the duties of the Chair for Union Council as outlined in the relevant Bye - Law. 18. Debating 4.18.a. Only one motion shall be deb ated at any one time. 4.18.b. The debating procedure shall be that as outlined in the Union Council section. This excludes procedural motions requiring support from those present to hear the case, which instead need to be supported by twenty - five members. 4.18.c. If neces sary, the chair may appoint Officers as tellers to assist in the vote. Bye-Law 5 - Union Policy 1. No Policy can deny any group of members their rights and privileges as protected under the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws. 2. Policy can be set by: 5.2.a. Union Council 5.2.b. A Genera l Assembly 5.2.c. Referendum 5.2.d. A Company General Meeting 3. Autonomous Sections may set their own internal policies as described elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. This section of the Bye - Laws shall apply only to Union Policy unless otherwise stated. 4. Policy shall exist for tw o years unless it is overturned. 5.4.a. Union Council may overturn Policy made at Union Council. 5.4.b. General Assemblies may overturn Policy made at General Assemblies or Union Council. 5.4.c. Referenda may overturn Policy made at Referenda, General Assemblies or Union Counc il. 5.4.d. Company General Meetings may overturn Policy made at Company General Meetings, Referenda, General Assemblies or Union Council. 5. Policy and Autonomous Section Policy remain subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees on the financial and legal grou nds set out in the Memorandum & Articles. 6. Where two policies are in contradiction, the Policy passed at the higher body (from highest to lowest: Company General Meeting, Referendum, General Assembly, Union Council) shall take precedence. Where the two poli cies were passed at the same level, the most recent shall take precedence. 7. An amendment to a motion going to a meeting may be proposed by any member, at least one working day in advance of the meeting at which the motion is to be discussed. 5.7.a. Emergency amend ments may be submitted at least three hours before the beginning of the meeting. They must relate to issues that have occurred after the deadline for submission or whose matter cannot be deferred until the next meeting. 5.7.b. Late amendments not accepted on an e mergency basis shall be treated as procedural motions, as described elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. Bye-Law 6 - Union Officers 1. All Union Officers must be a member of the Union at the time of their election and for the duration of their time in office. Any Officer who ceas es to be a Member during their term shall vacate their post. 2. All Officers are required to act at all times in accordance with the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws as well as upholding them throughout the Union's activities. 3. All Officers shall attend and support, where appropriate, the Sections, Networks, Assemblies and meetings they are involved with in the fulfilment of their role. 4. All Officers are to attend all General Assemblies. 5. All Officers shall liaise with each other between meetings to coordinate the day - to - day running of the Union. 6. All Officers are expected to actively seek to promote themselves and their work actively to the students that they are elected to represent. 7. All Officers are encouraged to set up working groups as needed to help coordin ate campaigns and fulfil other duties. Where appropriate these should be open and advertised to Members who are not Officers. These working groups should remain accountable to the Union Executive Committee. 8. All Officers must consult with Members throughout their time in office so that they continue to remain as representative as possible. This includes holding surgeries to make themselves available to students. 9. Written notification of resignation of an Officer/Officer - elect must be given to the Sustainabili ty, Engagement & Operations Officer. 10. If they wish to reconsider their resignation, written notification must be given to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer within five working days after the original notification. 11. The existence of Autonomo us Sections and their Officers shall not relieve other Officers of responsibilities towards any group of Members represented by an Autonomous Section. 12. Sabbatical Officers 6.12.a. Sabbatical Officers shall be collectively responsible for overseeing the day - to - day o perational activity of the Union. 6.12.b. They shall meet regularly with the General Manager to discuss operational management of the Union. 6.12.b.i. These meetings shall be known as Administrative meetings. 6.12.b.ii. Administrative meetings will not make any decisions that are deem ed to be Policy decisions and will act within the bounds of existing Union Policy. 6.12.b.iii. Where necessary this meeting may act on behalf of the Board of Trustees. 6.12.b.iv. Reports on decisions made on behalf of the Board must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for appr oval. 6.12.b.v. If the Chair, or in their absence the Vice - Chair, determines that action on a particular matter is required before the Board can next reasonably meet, the Administrative meeting may act on behalf of the Board. There shall be a separation of business between items dealing with operational activity and items dealing with delegated authority from the Board. The Chair, or in their absence Vice - Chair, must clearly indicate this distinction prior to the discussion and it must be reflected in the minutes. 6.12.b.vii. Th e minutes of these meetings shall be submitted to Union Council and the Board of Trustees. 6.12.c. They shall act as cheque signatories for the Union. 6.12.d. They shall sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.12.e. A number of the Sabbatical Officers shall serve as the Sabbatical Tr ustees of the Union, as specified in their respective job descriptions. For the purposes of the 1994 Education Act 22(2)(d), the Sabbatical Trustees shall be the "major union offices". 6.12.f. They shall ensure the Union is ethically and environmentally sound, in accordance with Policy set by Union Council, General Assemblies, Referenda and Company General Meetings. 6.12.g. All Sabbatical Officers are responsible for running campaigns in line with the interests of their members and with their manifesto promises 6.12.h. All Sabbati cal Officers are to share the responsibilities of communicating with the membership, including the writing of a weekly email to all students. 6.12.i. Their term of office shall be 1st August until 31st of July. 6.12.j. Sabbatical Officers may not stand for re - election. 6.12.k. Su stainability, Engagement & Operations Officer . 13. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall 12.m.i.1 Ensure widespread understandng of and engagement with the Union's activities, developments & acheivements, among students and the public 12. m.i.2 Uphold the Union's democratic structure and encourage democatic engagement on all sectors of membership 12.m.i.3 Have oversight of the Union's promotional strategy 12.m.i.4 Work with the Union Chair to ensure that elections are run in a fair manne r 12.m.i.5 Be the lead Officer responsible for political affiliations 12.m.i.6 Be the lead Officer with oversight of Strategic Planning 12.m.i.7 Be the lead Officer on and have oversight of the Union's environmental and ethical responsibilities, finance s, services, spaces and human resources 12.m.i.8 Ensure that the Unions services and spaces meet the needs of students and operate to the highest possible ethical standards 12.m.i.9 Be responsible for, and work with the Education & Campaigns Officer to ru n, campaigns related to UCL's policies and practices tat are relevant to environmental and ethical issues, or that may affect the Union's finances, services, spaces and human resources 12.m.i.10 Oversee the awarding of Union Colours for political participa tion 12.m.i.11 Liaise with Liberation & Section Convenors to ensure that the runnng of the Union is as accessible as possible 12.m.i.12 Be Sabbatical Trustee of the Union 6.13.a. Education & Campaigns Officer 6.13.a.i. The Education & Campaigns Officer will: 6.13.a.i.1. Represent the academic needs of members to UCL, including within relevant UCL committees. 6.13.a.i.2. Be responsible for the Union's responses to developments within UCL and for coordinating campaigning for the Union's vision of education at UCL. 6.13.a.i.3. Support student representation at all levels and be responsible for the development and implementation of a student representation strategy. 6.13.a.i.4. Liaise with Academic Sections to assist their representation and campaigning work on academic issues relevant to their members. 6.13.a.i.5. Work with trade union s on campus. 6.13.a.i.6. Be the active respondent to media inquiries related to academic matters. 6.13.a.i.7. Promote engagement with the academic representative posts, by promoting the Autumn elections to the student body. 6.13.a.i.8. Have oversight of the elections of academic representati ves 6.13.a.i.9. Be a Sabbatical Trustee of the Union. 6.13.b. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer.. 6.13.c. Postgraduate Students' Officer 6.13.c.i. The Postgraduate Students' Officer shall: 6.13.c.i.1. Be a postgraduate student. 6.13.c.i.2. Be the Convenor for the Postgraduate Association (PGA). 6.13.c.i.3. Conduct their duties in cooperation and consultation with the Members and Officers of the PGA, including through appropriate delegation of responsibilities. 6.13.c.i.4. Coordinate representation and campaigning work, through the Postgraduate Association and the Union, for the needs and interests of postgraduate members, addressing all relevant bodies including but not limited to the Graduate School, UCL, the University of London, local and national government. 6.13.c.i.5. Represent PGA Policy and the needs and concerns of postgraduate mem bers within the Union,. NUS, and any other organisations to which the Union or the PGA affiliates. 6.13.c.i.6. Coordinate events and activities for postgraduate Members. 6.13.c.i.7. Ensure that all relevant facets of the work of the Union and its other Officers caters appropriate ly for, and engages with, postgraduate students.. 6.13.d. Activities & Events Officer 6.13.d.i. The Activities & Events Officer shall: 6.13.d.i.1. Be primarily concerned with the non - academic development of members. 6.13.d.i.2. Encourage and support the development of Clubs & Societies. 6.13.d.i.3. Make recom mendations on the affiliation of new Clubs & Societies. 6.13.d.i.4. Ensure that Clubs & Societies operate with the Union's Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws, as well as their own constitutions. 6.13.d.i.5. Oversee student volunteering opportunities for Members and encourage the development of volunteering in the Union. 6.13.d.i.6. Be responsible for the financial matters of Clubs & Societies, including the allocation of funding. 6.13.d.i.7. Ensure all Club & Society publicity is produced within the appropriate guidelines and policies. 6.13.d.i.8. Oversee the awardi ng of Colours associated with student activities. 6.13.d.i.9. Oversee initiatives and projects which develop our members' skills and employability. 6.13.d.i.10. Liaise with Liberation Section Convenors to ensure that Clubs & Societies and other student activities are run in an acc essible and ethical way. 6.13.d.i.11. Liaise with Academic Section Convenors to ensure that Clubs & Societies and other student activities cater to the diverse needs, interests and circumstantial constraints of UCL's diverse student population. 6.13.d.i.12. Assist Autonomous Sectio ns to organise their social event programmes. 6.13.d.i.13. Be the lead Officer for organising the Union's events. 6.13.d.i.14. Be the lead Officer responsible for lobbying for democratically - run student space. 6.13.d.i.15. Be a Sabbatical Trustee of the Union. 6.13.e. Welfare Officer 6.13.e.i. The Welfare Offic er will: 6.13.e.i.1. Strive and campaign to ensure a safe, accessible and welcoming environment for all members at the Union and in the wider community. 6.13.e.i.2. Represent the needs of international students at all levels. 6.13.e.i.3. Ensure that the Union is compliant with all relevant p olicies relating to equal opportunities. 6.13.e.i.4. Campaign for adequate, affordable and accessible provision of student accommodation. 6.13.e.i.5. Ensure specific Union provision for international students outside of term and at the start of session as appropriate. 6.13.e.i.6. Provide sup port to assist the Non - Sabbatical Officers of the Liberation Sections in their work. They must assist in a capacity of support, rather than leadership, if they do not self - define into the Section. 6.13.e.i.7. Be a Sabbatical Trustee of the Union. 6.13.f. Women's Officer 6.13.f.i. The Women's Officer shall: 6.13.f.i.1. Self - define as a woman. 6.13.f.i.2. Represent the interests of women Members within the Union, UCL and beyond. 6.13.f.i.3. Coordinate campaigns related to issues relevant to women Members. 6.13.f.i.4. Liaise with external organisations such as the NUS on matters releva nt to women Members. 6.13.f.i.5. Be the Convenor of the Women's Network. 6.13.f.i.6. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.13.g. Black & Minority Ethnic Students' Officer (BME Students' Officer) 6.13.g.i. The BME Students' Officer shall: 6.13.g.i.1. Self - define as Black or Minority Ethnic. 6.13.g.i.2. Represent the interes ts of BME Members within the Union, UCL and beyond. 6.13.g.i.3. Coordinate campaigns related to issues relevant to BME Members. 6.13.g.i.4. Coordinate campaigns against racism and fascism. 6.13.g.i.5. Liaise with external organisations such as the NUS on issues relevant to BME Members. 6.13.g.i.6. Be th e Convenor of the Black & Minority Ethnic Students' Section. 6.13.g.i.7. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 14. Acting Sabbatical Officers 6.14.a. Acting Sabbatical Officers will be expected to undertake all duties set out in Bye - Law 9 parts 1 to 11. 6.14.b. They are expected to undertak e as far as possible the specific duties as listed for the relevant Sabbatical Officer position, in agreement with the Union Executive Committee. 6.14.c. Their term of office shall finish on the date that their predecessors would have finished had they not vacated the post. 6.14.d. If they interrupt their studies, Acting Sabbatical Officers shall be paid the wage of a Sabbatical Officer for their period of office. 6.14.e. If not interrupting their studies, Acting Sabbatical Officers shall be paid an amount determined by the Human Resources Committee. 15. Non-Sabbatical Officers 6.15.a. Terms of office for Non - Sabbatical Officers shall be specified in the Elections section of the Bye - Laws. 6.15.b. Activities Officer 6.15.b.i. The Activities Officer shall: 6.15.b.i.1. Work closely with, and receive the support of, the Activi ties & Events Officer. 6.15.b.i.2. Support the non - academic development of Members by encouraging Club & Society activities. 6.15.b.i.3. Support the Activities & Events Officer in representing the non - academic development of Members to the Union and UCL. 6.15.b.i.4. Help coordinate the activ ities in which Clubs & Societies are involved. 6.15.b.i.5. Facilitate student engagement in the management and administration of their Clubs & Societies. 6.15.b.i.6. Encourage Clubs & Societies to be inclusive and work within any equal opportunities policies. 6.15.b.i.7. Work with the Activi ties & Events Officer to promote student volunteering. 6.15.b.i.8. Chair the Activities Network. 6.15.b.i.9. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.15.c. Community Relations Officer 6.15.c.i. The Community Relations Officer shall: 6.15.c.i.1. . be responsible for representing Members in the local community, incl uding to local and regional government. 6.15.c.i.2. Coordinate campaigns related to issues within the local community that affect Members. 6.15.c.i.3. Report to the Union on issues in the local community that affect its Members. 6.15.c.i.4. Work with the Welfare Officer and Dean of Students (Welfare) on issues affecting student safety in the community. 6.15.c.i.5. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.15.d. Disabled Students' Officer 6.15.d.i. The Disabled Students' Officer shall: 6.15.d.i.1. Self - define as Disabled. 6.15.d.i.2. Represent the interests of Disabled Members within the Union, UCL and beyond. 6.15.d.i.3. Work with the Welfare Officer. 6.15.d.i.4. Coordinate campaigns related to issues relevant to Disabled Members. 6.15.d.i.5. Liaise with external organisations such as the NUS on issues relevant to Disabled Members. 6.15.d.i.6. Attend the NUS Disabled Students' Conference. 6.15.d.i.7. Be the Con venor of the Disabled Students' Section. 6.15.d.i.8. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.15.e. Sustainability Officer 6.15.e.i. The Sustainability Officer shall: 6.15.e.i.1. Be responsible for ensuring that the Union operates in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner 6.15.e.i.2. Pro - actively investiga te and research methods of improving the Union's operation in this respect. 6.15.e.i.3. Coordinate campaigns related to environmental matters. 6.15.e.i.4. Lobby UCL on to improve its own environmental practices 6.15.e.i.5. Sit on Finance & Services Committee. 6.15.e.i.6. Sit on Union Executive Committee . 6.15.f. International Students' Officer 6.15.f.i. The International Students' Officer shall: 6.15.f.i.1. Be a student whose normal place of residence is outside the UK. 6.15.f.i.2. Be responsible for representing the interests of international students within the Union. 6.15.f.i.3. Seek to pro - actively impr ove the engagement of international students in Union activities and democratic processes. 6.15.f.i.4. Work with the Welfare Officer to develop the Union's activities as part of the UCL International Students Orientation Programme. 6.15.f.i.5. Coordinate campaigns related to inte rnational student issues. 6.15.f.i.6. Liaise with external organisations such as the NUS on issues relevant to International Student Members. 6.15.f.i.7. Be the Convenor of the International Students' Section. 6.15.f.i.8. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.15.g. LGBT+ Officer 6.15.g.i. The LGBT+ Officer shal l: 6.15.g.i.1. Self - define as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* and/or any other gender/sexual minority including but not limited to Asexual spectrum, Queer and Intersex. 6.15.g.i.2. Be responsible for representing the interests of LGBT+ Members within the Union, UCL and beyond. 6.15.g.i.3. Coo rdinate campaigns related to issues relevant to LGBT+ Members. 6.15.g.i.4. Liaise with external organisations such as the NUS on issues relevant to LGBT+ Members. 6.15.g.i.5. Be the Convenor of the LGBT+ Students' Section. 6.15.g.i.6. Sit on Union Executive Committee. 6.15.h. Royal Free, University College, and Middlesex Medical Students’ Officer (RUMS Officer) 6.15.h.i. The RUMS Officer shall: 6.15.h.i.1. Be a medical student of UCL Medical School. 6.15.h.i.2. Be responsible for representing the interests of medical students within the Union. 6.15.h.i.3. Facilitate medical student representatio n to the Medical School, including via regular meetings with the RUMS Honorary President and Dean of the Medical School. 6.15.h.i.4. Facilitate the growth of the RUMS community by coordinating activities and events for medical students. 6.15.h.i.5. Facilitate the relationship bet ween UCL medical students and UCL Medical School alumni. 6.15.h.i.6. Seek to pro - actively improve the engagement medical students in Union and RUMS activities. 6.15.h.i.7. Represent UCL medical students within ULU Medgroup, the NUS and the British Medical Association. 6.15.h.i.8. Liaise with Liberation Section Convenors to ensure RUMS processes and activities are accessible and ethical and where necessary work collaboratively on projects of mutual interest. 6.15.h.i.9. Be the Convenor of RUMS. 6.15.i. School of Pharmacy Students' Officer (SoP Students' Officer) 6.15.i.i. The SoP Students' Officer shall: 6.15.i.i.1. Be a student of UCL School of Pharmacy. 6.15.i.i.2. Be responsible for representing the interests of School of Pharmacy students within the Union. 6.15.i.i.3. Facilitate student representation to the School of Pharmacy, including via regular meeti ngs with Director of the School of Pharmacy along with other senior academics. 6.15.i.i.4. Seek to improve the engagement of School of Pharmacy students in the Union. 6.15.i.i.5. Facilitate the growth of the SoP community by coordinating activities and events for SoP students as well as for the wider UCL student population. 6.15.i.i.6. Facilitate the relationship between UCL School of Pharmacy students and alumni. 6.15.i.i.7. Represent School of Pharmacy students to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. 6.15.i.i.8. Liaise with Liberation Section Convenors to ensure SoP processes and activities are accessible and ethical and where necessary work collaboratively on projects of mutual interest. 6.15.i.i.9. Chair the British Pharmaceutical Students' Association Intra - School Committee. 6.15.i.i.10. Be the Convenor of the School of Pharmacy Students' Section. 6.15.j. School of Slavonic & East European Studies Students' Officer (SSEES Students' Officer) 6.15.j.i. The SSEES Students' Officer shall: 6.15.j.i.1. Be a student of UCL School of Slavonic & East European Studies (SSEES). 6.15.j.i.2. Be responsible for representing the interests of SSEE S students within the Union. 6.15.j.i.3. Facilitate student representation to the School, including via regular meetings with Director of the SSEES along with other senior academics. 6.15.j.i.4. Seek to improve the engagement of SSEES students in the Union. 6.15.j.i.5. Facilitate the growth of the SSEES community by coordinating activities and events for SSEES students as well as for the wider UCL student population. 6.15.j.i.6. Facilitate the relationship between SSEES students and alumni. 6.15.j.i.7. Liaise with Liberation Section Convenors to ensure SSEES process es and activities are accessible and ethical and where necessary work collaboratively on projects of mutual interest. 6.15.j.i.8. Be the Convenor of the SSEES Students' Section. 15.k. Institute of Education Students Officer 15.k.i The Institute of Education Students Officer shall 15.k.i.1 Be a student of the Institute of Education 15.k.i.2 Be responsible for representing the interests of IOE students within the Union. 15.k.i.3 Facilitate student representation to the School, including via regular meetings with Direct or of the IOE along with other senior academics. 15.k.i.4 Seek to improve the engagement of IOE students in the Union. 15.k.i.5 Facilitate the growth of the IOE community by coordinating activities and events for IOE students as well as for the wider UCL s tudent population. 15.k.i.6 Facilitate the relationship between IOE students and alumni. 15.k.i.7 Liaise with Liberation Section Convenors to ensure IOE processes and activities are accessible and ethical and where necessary work collaboratively on project s of mutual interest. 15.k.i.8 Be the Convenor of the IOE Students' Section. 15.k.i.9 Be financially reimbursed for their part - time work . 15.l Union Chair 15.l.i The Union Chair shall:15.l.i.1 Ensure that the Union runs in a fair and democratic manner. 15.l.i.2 Chair General Assemblies. 15.l.i.3 Chair meetings of Union Council. 15.l.i.4 Chair open meetings for Referenda. 15.l.i.5 Act as Returning Officer. 15.l.i.6 Ensure that copies of passed Policies and other relevant democratic decisions are conveyed to the Union Executive Committee and all Officers. 15.m Halls Accommodation Representative 15.m.i The Halls Accommodation Representative shall: 15.m.i.1 Be a Member who has lived in a UCL or University of London residence at some point in the two years pri or to their election. 15.m.i 2Represent the needs of students currently living in Halls to UCL and other relevant authorities. 15.m.i .3Assist Halls Representatives where they exist, and negotiate directly with Halls where they do not. 15.m.i.4Liaise regul arly with the Welfare Officer, Halls Representatives and the Rights & Advice Centre. 15.m.i.5 Campaign for adequate, affordable and accessible housing for UCL students. 15.m.i.6 Attend Accommodation Network meetings. 15.m.i.7 Work closely with, and receive the support of, the Welfare Officer. 15.m.i.8 Report regularly to the Union Executive Committee on the implementation of relevant Policy. 15.n External Accommodation Officer 15.n.i The External Accommodation Officer shall: 15.n.i.1 Represent the needs and demands of Members living outside UCL and University of London Halls. 15.n.i.2 Campaign for adequate, affordable and accessible housing for Members. 15.n.i.3 Defend and extend the housing rights of Members outside university accommodation as private and s ocial tenants, lodgers and squatters. 15.n.i.4 Liaise regularly with the Welfare Officer and the Rights & Advice Centre. 15.n.i.5 Attend Accommodation Network meetings. 15.n.i.6Work closely with, and receive the support of, the Welfare Officer. 15.n.i.7Rep ort regularly to the Union Executive Committee on the implementation of relevant Policy. 15.o Mature & Part - time Students' Officer 15.0.i The Mature & Part - Time Students' Officer shall: 15.0.i.1 Be at least one of the following: 15.0.i.1.1 Registered as a part - time student at UCL. 15.0.i.1.2A student who began an undergraduate course after the age of 21, or a postgraduate course after the age of 24. 15.0.i.3Coordinate representation and campaigning work for the needs and interests of mature and part - time Me mbers within the Union, UCL and beyond. 15.0.i.4 Ensure that all relevant facets of the work of the Union and its other Officers cater appropriately for, and engage with, mature and part - time students. 15.0.i.5 Coordinate campaigns related to issues of int erest to mature and part - time students. 15.0.i.6 Organise activities, events and facilities appropriate and accessible to mature and part - time students. 15.0.i.7 Be the Convenor of the Mature & Part - Time Students' Section. 15.p Officer for Students With Ca ring Responsibilities 15.p.i The Officer for Students With Caring Responsibilities shall 15.p.i.1 Be a student with caring responsibilities. This includes anyone who cares unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental he alth problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support 15.p.i.2 Coordinate representation and campaigning work for the needs and interests of mature and part - time Members within the Union, UCL and beyond. 15.p.i.3 Ensure that all relevant facets of the work of the Union and its other Officers cater appropriately for, and engage with, mature and part - time students. 15.p.i.4 Coordinate campaigns related to issues of interest to mature and part - time students. 15.p.i.5 Organise activities, events an d facilities appropriate and accessible to mature and part - time students. 15.p.i.6 Be the Convenor of the Students With Caring Responsibilities Network 15.q Student Trustees 15.q.i Student Trustees are elected in a cross - campus ballot of Members in the fir st term of the academic year for a term of twelve months. 15.q.ii This twelve month term shall commence on 1st November of year they are elected and will continue until 31st October the following year. 16. Accountability of Officers 6.16.a. All Officers are elected b y and accountable to the Membership. 6.16.a.i. If a Member has a question about the work, activity or conduct of an Officer they may email the Officer and should expect a response within five working days. 6.16.a.i.1. If unsatisfied with the response they receive they may reque st a meeting with the Officer, and the Officer must make arrangements to meet the Member within five working days where possible. 6.16.a.ii. The Union shall provide the opportunity for Members to write open letters or ask open questions of Officers via the Union webs ite. The Officer must post an open reply within five working days. 6.16.a.ii.1. The posts may be removed if deemed to be inappropriate, offensive or constitutes bullying or harassment. Bye-Law 7 - Censure, Recall and No Confidence Procedures for Officers 1. Motions of Censure for a Non-Sabbatical Officer elected by cross-campus ballot and Sabbatical Officers who are not Autonomous Section Convenors 7.1.a. Where Non - Sabbatical Officers elected by cross - campus ballot have failed to fulfil the duties of their post as outlined in the Bye - Laws b ut their conduct is not sufficiently serious to warrant a motion of recall, a motion of censure may be submitted to a General Assembly. 7.1.b. Motions of censure can be submitted either as an ordinary motion, or as a motion proposed verbally at the time of any Of ficer's report. 7.1.c. The motion of censure, written or verbal, must state the grounds for censure - political and/or technical. 7.1.d. If passed, motions of censure shall be displayed on the Union's website, under the oversight of the Union Chair. 7.1.e. Purely political rea sons for a censure shall be permissible. 2. Motions of Censure for Faculty and Hall Reps, Network Officers and Autonomous Section Officers 7.2.a. Faculty and Hall Reps, Network Officers, and Sabbatical and Non - Sabbatical Autonomous Section Officers (including their Convenors) may be censured by the same procedure as Non - sabbatical Officers elected via cross - campus ballot, except that: 7.2.a.i. Only Members eligible to vote in the election of the Officer in question may participate in proposing or voting on a motion of censure . 7.2.a.ii.Instead of a General Assembly, the motion must be proposed to a sectional meeting open to those Members eligible to vote in the election of the Officer in question. This shall be a Hall Assembly, Faculty Assembly (exclusive to Members of the relevant sta tus), Network meeting, or Autonomous Section open meeting. 7.2.a.iii. If the Officer in question is chairing the meeting, another Officer or member of the section, or the Union Chair if present, must chair for the discussion of the motion. 7.2.a.iv. An Autonomous Section's con stitution may specify alternative mechanisms for the censure of that Section's Officers, including its Convenor. If they do, the procedures described in this clause shall not apply. 7.2.a.v. Purely political reasons for a censure shall be permissible. 3. Recall procedure for a Non-sabbatical Officer elected by cross-campus ballot 7.3.a. The Members shall have the right to recall any cross - campus elected Officer for any reason at any time via the following procedure. 7.3.b. Recall motions may be submitted to the Union Chair and shall clearly list the reasons for the recall. 7.3.c. On receipt of a recall motion, the Union Chair shall specify two General Assemblies at which it is to be discussed. These must be separated by at least a week, and both must occur within three term weeks of receipt of the motion. The meetings may be General Assemblies already scheduled or the Union Chair may call Extraordinary General Assemblies as necessary. 7.3.d. Recall motions require at least one proposer and twenty - five seconders, all of whom must be Members and who must sign the motion along with stating their department and student number. 7.3.e. The motion must be displayed on the Union’s website for five working days prior to the first meeting. 7.3.f. The motion must be passed by a two - thirds majority at two consecutive meeting s. 7.3.g. Once a recall motion has been passed at the first meeting the Officer in question will be immediately suspended from duty. 7.3.h. If the motion is passed for a second time the Officer shall be deemed to have been dismissed with immediate effect. 7.3.i. Purely politic al reasons for a recall shall be permissible in the case of Non - Sabbatical Officers. 4. Recall procedure for Faculty and Hall Reps, Network Officers and Non-Sabbatical Autonomous Section Officers 7.4.a. Faculty and Hall Reps, Network Officers, and Non - Sabbatical Aut onomous Section Officers (including their Convenors) may be recalled by the same procedure as Non - Sabbatical Officers elected via cross - campus ballot, except that: 7.4.a.i. Only Members eligible to vote in the election of the position in question may participate in proposing or voting on a recall motion. 7.4.a.ii.Instead of General Assemblies, the votes must pass two - thirds majority votes at two consecutive sectional meetings open to those Members eligible to vote in the election of the position in question. This shall be a Hall Assembly, Faculty Assembly (exclusive to Members of the relevant status), Network meeting, or Autonomous Section open meeting. 7.4.a.iii. Quorum for these meetings shall be fifty Members with voting rights on the matter, or 1% of the Members with voting rights, whichever is greater. 7.4.a.iv. These meetings shall be called and chaired by the Union Chair. 7.4.a.v. An Autonomous Section's constitution may specify alternative mechanisms for the recall of that Section's Officers, including its Convenor. If they do, the procedures descr ibed in this clause shall not apply. 5. No Confidence procedure for Sabbatical Officers 7.5.a. No Confidence motions may be submitted to Union Council or to a General Assembly. A No Confidence motion must specify in which of these meetings it is to be debated. 7.5.b. In the case of No Confidence procedures against Sabbatical Liberation Officers, or those answerable to only one Section, only those eligible to vote for the Officers can propose, sign or vote on a Motion of No Confidence and it must be heard at a Forum meetin g of that Network or Section. 7.5.c. One emergency meeting of Union Council and one Extraordinary General Assembly, or two Extraordinary General Assemblies shall be called on receipt of the motion, unless the paper deadline for the next scheduled meeting falls wi thin five working days of receipt in which case the No Confidence motion will take precedence over all other motions to be considered. 7.5.d. These meetings shall be separated by at least five working days. 7.5.e. No Confidence motions require at least one proposer and fifty seconders, all of whom must be Union members and who must sign the motion along with stating their department and student number. 7.5.f. Sabbatical Officers may only have a motion of No Confidence brought against them if the Sabbatical contract has been bro ken or if they are guilty of gross misconduct. 7.5.g. The No Confidence motion must state how and when the contract was broken or what gross misconduct has taken place. 7.5.h. Union Council or the General Assembly must rule out any motion that does not conform to the ru les above. 7.5.i. The motion must be displayed on the Union website for five working days prior to the first meeting. 7.5.j. The motion must be passed by a 75% majority at two consecutive meetings. 7.5.k. Once a No Confidence motion has been passed at the first meeting the Off icer in question will be immediately suspended from duty. 7.5.l. If the Officer wishes to appeal they must give notice in writing to the Union Chair within two working days of the first vote. If it is inappropriate for the Union Chair to receive the complaint, it shall be sent to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer. 7.5.m. If an appeal is lodged an appeal committee will be formed and will consist of three Sabbatical Officers from another University of London school or college. 7.5.m.i. The panel will meet before t he second meeting and will rule on whether the contract was broken or whether gross misconduct took place. They cannot express any other opinion on the matter. 7.5.n. If the appeal is successful the Officer shall return to their duties and the Union Chair shall r ule the motion out of order. 7.5.o. If the appeal is unsuccessful the officer will remain suspended until the Extraordinary General Assembly. 7.5.p. If the motion is passed for a second time the Officer shall be deemed to have been dismissed with immediate effect. 7.5.q. If th e motion is not passed for the second time the Officer shall return to duties as normal. Bye-Law 8 - Elections 1. The running of fair elections shall be the joint responsibility of the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer and the Returning Officer on behalf o f the Board of Trustees and the Elections Committee. They shall ensure the elections are run in accordance with the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws. 8.1.a. After each round of elections the Returning Officer shall submit a report to UCL Council and the Electio ns Committee. 2. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall publish an elections schedule for the term in the first week of term, the elections schedule should include dates and times for the opening and closing of nominations and voting. 3. The c onduct of the elections shall be carried out in line with the Guidance Document on Elections, Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws. 4. Eligibility to run for election and hold any Union position is based on the meeting of certain criteria: 8.4.a. A Non - Sabbatical Offi cer elected in the Spring Elections to begin their term in the following Autumn must be eligible to enrol for the following year to continue their programme of study. 8.4.b. Sabbatical Officers who will have completed, terminated, intermitted or suspended their s tudies at the start of their appointment must be accepted as an affiliate student for their year as a Sabbatical Officer. 8.4.c. A candidate who fails to meet the above requirements shall be withdrawn from the elections. If the election has already occurred, the Officer or Officer - elect shall be removed from their post and a Bye - Election held. 5. Voting 8.5.a. No Member shall have more than one vote. 8.5.b. The voting period for any position shall run for at least three working days, except for positions elected at a meeting. 8.5.c. Voti ng shall be done by secret ballot using the Alternative Vote / Single Transferable Vote system, as detailed by the Electoral Reform Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and including Re - Open Nominations as a candidate in all elections. 8.5.d. Union Coun cil, with the guidance of Elections Committee, shall be responsible for determining and amending the Guidance Document on Elections. 6. Positions 8.6.a. The following positions shall be elected via cross - campus ballot: 8.6.a.i. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer 8.6.a.ii.Education & Campaigns Officer 8.6.a.iii. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer Officer . 8.6.a.iv. Activities & Events Officer 8.6.a.v. Welfare Officer Student Trustees 8.6.a.vii. Union Chair 8.6.a.viii. Activities Officer 8.6.a.ix. Community Relations Officer 8.6.a.x. NUS Delegates 8.6.a.xi. Halls Accommodation Representativ e 8.6.a.xii. External Accommodation Officer 8.6.a.xiii. Sustainability Officer 8.6.b. The following positions shall be elected via sectional elections: 8.6.b.i. Academic Section Convenors shall be elected by members of the respective Academic Sections. 8.6.b.ii. Liberation Section Convenors shall be elec ted by self - defining members of the respective Liberation Sections. 8.6.b.iii. . 8.6.b.iv. Halls Representatives and Faculty Representatives 8.6.b.iv.1. Elected as described below. 8.6.c. Halls Representatives 8.6.c.i. Shall represent the interests of students within their Hall to the Union and UCL. 8.6.c.ii.Shal l be resident in the UCL Hall they are elected to represent. 8.6.c.iii. Shall be elected by the residents in their respective Hall. 8.6.c.iv. Shall be elected in the first term of the academic year for which they are to hold office. 8.6.d. Faculty Representatives 8.6.d.i. Shall represent the interests of students of their status within their Faculty to the Union, on Union Council, and to UCL. 8.6.d.ii. Shall be enrolled on a programme of study within the Faculty they are elected to represent. 8.6.d.iii. Shall be elected by the students of their status in their res pective faculty. 8.6.d.iv. Shall be elected in the first term of the academic year for which they are to hold office. 8.6.e. All Faculties shall elect at least one Faculty Rep from each of the following student statuses, provided that each exists within the Faculty: 8.6.e.i. Underg raduate (UG) 8.6.e.ii.Postgraduate Taught (PGT) 8.6.e.iii. Postgraduate Research (PGR) (including Ph.D. and MRes students) 8.6.f. The remaining Faculty Reps shall be allocated on the following basis: 8.6.f.i. The remaining Faculty Reps shall be divided amongst the Faculties in proportion to their student numbers. 8.6.f.ii. Once allocated to faculties, these Faculty Reps shall be elected as UG, PGT or PGR in proportion to the make - up of their Faculty. 8.6.g. The terms and election schedules for Officers shall be as follows: 8.6.g.i. The following Officers shall be elec ted in Term 1 and shall serve from the date of their election until the close of the election occurring in Term 1 of the following year: 8.6.g.i.1. UG, PGR and PGT Faculty Reps 8.6.g.i.2. Halls Reps 8.6.g.i.3. NUS Delegates 8.6.g.ii. All Autonomous Section Officers other than the Convenors, and al l Officers elected within the Activities Network, shall be elected and hold office in accordance with the relevant Section Constitution or Guidance Document. 8.6.g.iii. All other Officers shall be elected in Term 2, and shall serve from 1st August in the year of thei r election until 31st July the following year. 7. Procedures 8.7.a. Nominations shall be open for at least five working days before they close. 8.7.b. A candidates' meeting must be held following the closure of nominations at a time specified in the elections schedule. 8.7.c. Nom ination forms must include the full name and student number of those nominated. 8.7.d. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations OfficerSustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall compile and check the submissions once the nominations period has close d. 8.7.e. Written notification of a candidate's resignation shall be given to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer, the resignation cannot be reconsidered once it has been submitted. 8.7.f. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall organis e events at which Members will have the opportunity to hear candidates speak and ask them questions. 8.7.g. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall organise and chair a public hustings at which Sabbatical Officer candidates shall debate one anot her and answer questions from Members. Topics for debate shall be determined by the questions asked, and may also include equal opportunity for candidates to select topics. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall not select topics for deb ate. 8.7.h. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall also ensure that there is online provision for Members to be able to ask questions of the candidates. 8. Campaigning Materials 8.8.a. All campaigning materials must meet the requirements of the Guidance Document on Elections. 8.8.b. All candidates in an election shall receive a publicity allowance at a level set in the Guidance Document on Elections. Expenditure must not exceed this allowance, and the Union shall fully reimburse all spending within the allowance that does not contravene the regulations laid down in the Guidance Document on Elections. 9. Conduct 8.9.a. Candidates must conduct themselves in line with the Guidance Document on Elections. 8.9.b. Candidates breeching these regulations will be subject to the disciplinar y procedures as outlined in the Guidance Document on Elections. 8.9.c. Campaigning period shall run for at least three working days before the opening of voting. No campaigning may take place before the start of the campaigning period. 8.9.d. Complaints about the conduc t of a candidate must be submitted to the Returning Officer in accordance with the Guidance Documents on Elections. 8.9.e. Complaints will be dealt with as outlined by the Guidance Document on Elections. 10. Bye-Elections 8.10.a. Any vacancy, other than that of a Sabbatical Officer, which arises during the year, should be reported by the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer to the next meeting of Union Council. A bye - election will then be held with the next set of elections, unless deemed feasible by Union Council to bring that bye - election forward. 8.10.b. In the event of a vacancy for a Sabbatical Position occurring, a bye - election must be held within four term weeks. 8.10.b.i. If before the start of the academic year then a Sabbatical Officer may be elected to the full time positi on. 8.10.b.ii. If after the start of the academic year then an Acting Sabbatical Officer may be elected. 11. Counting 8.11.a. The timing of the close of voting and count shall be specified in the elections schedule. 8.11.b. Complaints about the count must be made in accordance with the procedure detailed in the Guidance Document on Elections. 8.11.c. The results of all elections shall be certified by the Returning Officer. Bye-Law 9 - Committees of Union Council, the Union Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees 1. The roles and responsibilities of Unio n Council, the Union Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees are set out in the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws. 2. Committees exist to facilitate these bodies' activities as well as opening them up to increased student involvement and improved trans parency. 3. Union Council shall receive, via the Chairs of the Committees, written reports of the meetings and decisions taken by them. 4. Decisions of Committees may be referred back to the Committees for review by a simple majority of Union Council. The Board of Trustees will have an obligation to review issues referred back to them. 5. The Committees of the Board of Trustees are those outlined in the Bye - Laws. 6. Where the Chair of a meeting of a Committee of the Board of Trustees believes that matters to be discuss ed require confidentiality, they may request that guests or observers leave the meeting for the discussion of those confidential items. 7. Finance & Services Committee 9.7.a. Finance & Services Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Trustees. 9.7.b. Membership of t he Finance & Services Committee shall be: 9.7.b.i. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer (Chair) 9.7.b.ii. All other Sabbatical Trustees 9.7.b.iii. Sustainability Officer 9.7.b.iv. Two Student Trustees appointed by the Board of Trustees. 9.7.b.v. Four members of Union Council elected by Union Council 9.7.c. In attendance shall be: 9.7.c.i. General Manager 9.7.c.ii.Finance & IT Manager 9.7.c.iii. Any Members who wish to attend as observers, subject to Bye - Law 12.6 9.7.d. The Committee, constitutionally, considers strategic options for, and the overall general management of, the Union's f inances, including setting annual budgets, key performance objectives, and monitoring the financial performance of the organisation. It is charged with: 9.7.d.i. Considering and recommending to the Board of Trustees the annual income and expenditure budget for the coming year, on advice from appropriate committees and senior managers. 9.7.d.ii. Considering and reporting on statements on actual income and expenditure throughout the year and projected out - turn with annual budget. 9.7.d.iii. Engaging the Union's auditors and acting upon th eir recommendations, as well as receiving and considering reports from Internal Audit. It must monitor the Union's adherence to any regulatory requirements. 9.7.d.iv. Considering and taking action where appropriate on the Union's long and short term investments, Pol icy relating to the Union's insurances and arrangements for short - term and long - term borrowing. 9.7.d.v. Considering the financial implications of capital projects and report thereon to the Board of Trustees. Considering and taking action where appropriate on grant funded, trading services and Clubs and Societies expenditure. 9.7.d.vii. Considering the Union's banking arrangements, including the appointment of Officers or agents whom the committee deems it necessary to appoint. 9.7.d.viii. Considering and taking action on writing off loss es or deficiencies on money, stocks, irrecoverable debts, overpayment and the disposal of obsolete equipment. 9.7.d.ix. Considering the Policies, reports, recommendations and requests of Referenda, General Assemblies and Union Council and make recommendations on the ir financial implications. 9.7.e. Quorum of the Committee shall be 50%, to include at least two Non - Sabbatical Members. 9.7.f. The Finance & Services Committee will report to the Board of Trustees, through submission of its minutes. 9.7.g. The Chair shall provide a written rep ort on discussions and decisions taken at the Committee to Union Council. Union Council may refer a matter back for review by the Committee and the Committee shall have an obligation to review the issue. 8. Human Resources Committee 9.8.a. Human Resources Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Trustees. 9.8.b. Membership of the Human Resources Committee shall be: 9.8.b.i. All Sabbatical Officers 9.8.c. In attendance shall be: 9.8.c.i. General Manager 9.8.c.ii.UCLU HR Representative 9.8.c.iii. UCL HR Representative 9.8.c.iv. Other UCLU staff proposed by the General Manag er and agreed by the Chair 9.8.d. The Chair of the Committee shall be the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer Officer. 9.8.e. The Committee shall have overall responsibility for the employment of Union staff and the terms at which the staff are employed. The Committee shall: 9.8.e.i. Conditions of Service 9.8.e.i.1. Ensure the appointment of Union Staff (other than Student Staff) on UCLU / UCL terms and conditions of employment (as appropriate), ensuring that Union Staff remuneration meets the requirements of the London Living W age. 9.8.e.i.2. Determine the rate of student - staff remuneration ensuring that this meets the requirements of the London Living Wage. 9.8.e.ii.New Appointments, Redundancy and Dismissal 9.8.e.ii.1. Consider proposals for new staff appointments. Where such proposals result in an increase in staff costs the additional expenditure must be approved by the Finance & Services Committee. 9.8.e.ii.2. Consider proposals for staff redundancy. 9.8.e.ii.3. Receive reports from the Chair and General Manager on staff dismissal. 9.8.e.iii. Authority 9.8.e.iii.1. Human Resources Committee will underta ke its business in accordance with a timetable of key tasks approved by the Board of Trustees. 9.8.e.iii.2. Human Resources Committee will report to the Board of Trustees, through submission of its minutes. 9.8.f. Quorum of the Committee shall be one quarter of the membership . 9.8.g. The Chair shall provide written reports on its decisions to Union Council, but shall not disclose matters relating to the responsibilities, conditions of employment, performance or conduct of individual members of staff. Union Council retains the right t o refer a decision back for the Committee's further consideration and the Committee has an obligation to review the issue, or to refer the matter on to the Board of Trustees. 9. Elections Committee 9.9.a. Elections Committee shall be a committee of Union Council. 9.9.b. Me mbership of the Elections Committee shall be: 9.9.b.i. All Sabbatical Officers 9.9.b.ii. Seven students elected by Union Council 9.9.b.iii. Union Chair 9.9.c. In attendance shall be: 9.9.c.i. General Manager 9.9.c.ii.Other staff members as invited by the General Manager and agreed by the Chair 9.9.d. The Chair of the Elections Committee shall be the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer. 9.9.e. The Committee shall: 9.9.e.i. Have responsibility for the smooth running and promotion of the Union's elections as outlined in the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws. 9.9.e.ii.Offer guidance to Union Council relating to the creation and any revisions of the Elections Guidance Document. 9.9.e.iii. Enforce, or delegate the enforcement of, the Guidance Document on Elections. 9.9.e.iv. Produce an annual evaluation for Union Council and the Board of Trustees on the eff ectiveness of the Union's electoral processes and participation rates within them. 9.9.e.v. Report to Union Council. No member of Elections Committee may stand in any election unless they resign from the committee before the opening of nominations. 10. Steering Committee 9.10.a. Steering Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Trustees. 9.10.b. Membership of the Steering Committee shall be: 9.10.b.i. Union Chair 9.10.b.ii. Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer 9.10.b.iii. five non - Trustee Union Members elected at Union Council 9.10.b.iv. four trustees elected fr om the Sabbatical Trustees and Student Trustees by the Board of Trustees 9.10.b.v. Any Member may attend meetings of the Steering Committee, subject to Bye - Law 12.6. 9.10.c. In attendance shall be: 9.10.c.i. General Manager 9.10.c.ii. Membership Services Manager 9.10.d. The Committee shall: 9.10.d.i. Have the po wer to interpret and clarify the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws if there is confusion as to their meaning, or if there is contradiction within any single constitutional text. 9.10.d.ii. Meet only when required to do so: 9.10.d.ii.1. by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees , the Union Executive Committee or Union Council; 9.10.d.ii.2. by joint agreement of the Union Chair and the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer; or 9.10.d.ii.3. if Bye - Laws are suspended. 9.10.d.iii. Report its activities and decisions to Union Council and the Board of Trustees. 9.10.e. T he Chair of the Steering Committee shall be the Union Chair. 11. Sports Grounds Committee 9.11.a. Sports Grounds Committee shall be a committee of the Board. of Trustees 9.11.b. Membership of Sports Grounds Committee shall be: 9.11.b.i. Activities & Events Officer 9.11.b.ii. Sustainability, Engag ement & Operations Officer 9.11.b.iii. Activities Officer 9.11.b.iv. . 9.11.b.v. Sports Officer five representatives of Sports Clubs elected from the Activities Network 9.11.b.vii. one representative to be nominated by RUMS 9.11.c. In attendance shall be: 9.11.c.i. General Manager 9.11.c.ii. Commercial Services Manager 9.11.c.iii. Sports Gr ounds Manager 9.11.c.iv. Union Staff as required by the agenda 9.11.c.v. One member appointed by UCL Council A representative of the UCL Estates Any Member who wishes to attend as an observer, subject to Bye - Law 12.6 9.11.d. The Committee shall: 9.11.d.i. consider and report to Finance & Servic es Committee: 9.11.d.i.1. The annual income and expenditure budget for the coming year. 9.11.d.i.2. Statements on actual income and expenditure throughout the year, and projected out - turn. 9.11.d.i.3. Recommend to Finance & Services Committee the adoption of financial statements for the prec eding year. 9.11.d.ii. Develop and recommend to Finance & Services Committee long - term forecasts of income and expenditure in respect of the sports grounds and pavilion. 9.11.d.iii. Ensure that the grounds and pavilion deliver the targeted levels of customer satisfaction, identi fying opportunities for new or alternative services in line with changing customer profiles. 9.11.d.iv. Ensure effective day - to - day management of contracts to provide grounds and/or pavilion services. 9.11.d.v. Ensure the statutory requirements relating to the provision of the grounds and pavilion are met. Ensure maintenance and ongoing development of the grounds and its facilities. 9.11.d.vii. Undertake its business in accordance with a timetable of key tasks approved by the Board of Trustees. 9.11.d.viii. Will liaise with the Trustees of the UCL Spor ts Grounds as requested and as appropriate. 9.11.e. The Sports Grounds Committee will report to the Board of Trustees, through submission of its minutes. 9.11.f. Quorum of the Committee shall be one quarter of the membership. 9.11.g. The Chair shall provide a written report on di scussions and decisions taken at the Committee to Union Council. Union Council may refer a matter back for review by the Committee and the Committee shall have an obligation to review the issue. 9.11.h. The Chair of the Sports Grounds Committee shall be the Activi ties & Events Officer. 12. Student Media Committee 9.12.a. Student Media Committee shall be a sub - committee of the Union Executive Committee 9.12.b. The membership of Student Media Committee shall be: 9.12.b.i. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer 9.12.b.ii. The Activities & Events Officer 9.12.b.iii. One delegate from each society self - defining as a media society and approved as such by either the Activities & Events Officer or the Union Council 9.12.c. In attendance shall be: 9.12.c.i. The General Manager or an appropriate appointee of the General Manager 9.12.c.ii. Any Member may attend meetings of the Student Media Committee, subject to Bye - Law 12.6. 9.12.c.iii. A legal expert if invited by the Chair 9.12.d. The Student Media Committee shall: 9.12.d.i. Provide a forum for Members to share information, raise matters of concern and drive forward the S tudent Media activities in the best interests of students 9.12.d.ii. Consider complaints related to the Union's Student Media. 9.12.d.iii. Consider potential liability for libel action against the Union concerning student - generated Media. 9.12.d.iv. Seek legal advice where appropriate. 9.12.d.v. Rep ort regularly to Union Council and the Union Executive Committee. 9.12.e. The Chair of the Student Media Committee shall be the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer. Bye-Law 10 - NUS Delegation 1. This section shall apply only when UCLU is affiliated to the National U nion of Students and shall not be construed to imply that the Union is required to retain such affiliation. 2. This section and the points contained in it refer to any Policy making conference of the NUS. 3. In the event that the NUS governing documents or polic ies contradict the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws of the Union, the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws of the Union shall take precedence. 4. Delegation Leader 10.4.a. The Education & Campaigns Officer shall attend NUS National and Extraordinary Conferences ex - o fficio as the delegation leader. 10.4.b. In the absence of an elected delegate or specification otherwise elsewhere in the Bye - Laws, the Education & Campaigns Officer may represent UCLU at all NUS Conferences which They are entitled to attend under NUS Rules. 5. NUS National Conferences 10.5.a. Ahead of NUS National and Extraordinary Conferences, the delegation leader shall call a pre - conference delegation meeting for the elected conference delegates that shall discuss: 10.5.a.i. Procedure of NUS conferences. 10.5.a.ii. Issues that are to be laid before the NUS conference. 10.5.a.iii. Any Union Policy that refers to those issues. 10.5.b. There shall be a deputy delegation leader; the person receiving the most first preference votes in the delegation elections. 10.5.c. The delegation leader, after consulting with the delegate s, shall produce a report on the decisions taken at conference for presentation at the next scheduled meeting of Union Council before the end of the academic year or at a meeting of Union Executive Committee if this is not possible. 6. NUS Delegates 10.6.a. NUS Deleg ates shall attend NUS Annual and Extraordinary Conferences. 10.6.b. Delegates must follow the Memorandum & Articles and Bye - Laws at all times. 10.6.c. Delegates must vote in line with Union Policy, except that: 10.6.c.i. Delegates may abstain on any motion. 10.6.c.ii. Delegates who are electe d on a manifesto that contradicts Union Policy may vote in line with their manifesto. 10.6.d. Delegates should attend the following Union Council meetings: 10.6.d.i. All meetings where motions to NUS conferences are to be discussed. 10.6.d.ii. The meeting immediately preceding NUS con ference. 10.6.d.iii. Any meetings which conference reports are presented to. 10.6.e. Delegates should attend all General Assemblies where motions to NUS conferences are to be discussed. 10.6.f. All delegates will submit a report to Union Council, including a record of the way they vo ted for all motions and all voting preferences in NUS Elections. This report must be submitted to the next scheduled meeting of Union Council following the conference before the end of the academic year. 10.6.g. The Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer shall ensure delegates receive a copy of current Union Policy and will advise the delegation on how this relates to the issues to be discussed. 7. Motions to NUS National or Extraordinary Conference 10.7.a. The Union may submit motions or amendments to NUS conference . Any motions or amendments submitted must have been passed by a Referendum, General Assembly or meeting of Union Council. 10.7.b. The Union Chair shall sign all motions and amendments before submission to NUS Conferences. In their absence a Sabbatical Officer wil l sign it. 8. NUS Zone Conferences 10.8.a. The Union shall send delegates to NUS Zone Conferences. 10.8.b. The Union shall select its voting delegate to each NUS Zone Conference by an election at Union Council, in which any Member may stand. 10.8.c. In the absence of an election, th e Education & Campaigns Officer shall have the right to attend and vote at Zones, or to delegate the Union's vote to any other Union Officer or NUS Delegate. 10.8.d. Other Union Officers and NUS Delegates may attend Zones as observers. 10.8.e. Delegates at Zone Conference s must follow Union Policy in the same way as delegates to National and Extraordinary Conferences, and in Zone Committee elections should vote for candidates whose platforms reflect Union Policy. 9. NUS Liberation and Section Conferences 10.9.a. The Union shall send voting delegates and motions to NUS Liberation and Section Conferences. 10.9.b. The process of electing delegates and passing motions to these conferences shall be set out in the constitution of the corresponding Autonomous Sections. 10.9.c. If the Autonomous Section's pr ovisions fail, through inquoracy or otherwise, to select sufficient delegates, then on the request of the Autonomous Section's Convenor: 10.9.c.i. The relevant Autonomous Section Convenor shall attend as a delegate, and, if the Union is allocated multiple delegates, members of the Autonomous Section's Executive Committee shall elect from their number further delegates to go to the conference. 10.9.c.ii. In the absence of sufficient willing and able delegates elected in Bye - Law 9.c.i 13.25.A, members of Union Council who are rep resented by the NUS Liberation Campaign or Section may elect from their number further delegates to go to the conference. 10.9.c.iii. There shall be no quorum for the elections in Bye - Laws 9.c.i and 9.c.ii. 10.9.c.iv. In the absence of sufficient willing and able delegates in By e - Laws 9.c.i and 9.c.ii, the Education & Campaigns Officer, and then NUS Delegates, and then other Sabbatical Officers may attend the conference, providing that they self - define into the Liberation Campaign or are represented by the NUS Section. 10.9.d. The Educat ion & Campaigns Officer shall work with Autonomous Sections to ensure that delegates and motions can be sent to conferences. 10.9.e. Delegates to Liberation and Section Conferences shall be bound to vote according to Union Policy with same conditions and exemption s as NUS Delegates, except that they shall first be bound to adhere to the corresponding Autonomous Section's Sectional Constitution and Policies. Bye-Law 11 - Staffing 1. The Union shall be empowered to appoint staff who shall be responsible to the Union Officers throug h an established management structure. 2. All matters related to the responsibilities, conditions of employment, performance or conduct of individual members of staff shall be the responsibility of the Human Resources Committee and shall not be discussed at a ny other Committee, Union Council, General Assembly or Referenda except as provided for elsewhere in the Bye - Laws. 3. Complaints about members of staff shall be referred to the Sabbatical Officers who will refer them through the management structure or to the Human Resources Committee, as appropriate. 4. Union staff members may provide advice on their areas of expertise but shall not publicly express their personal views on Policy or decisions of the Union. 5. Bye - Laws 14.3 and 14.4 apply to student casual staff whi lst they are on duty. Bye-Law 12 - Complaints Procedure for Members 1. Internal Procedures 12.1.a. In the first instance the complaint shall be brought to any Sabbatical Officer who shall reply within ten working days. 12.1.b. In the case of a complaint against staff the complaint shall be referred to the General Manager via a Sabbatical Officer. 12.1.c. If the student is not satisfied with the response received then the matter shall be referred to the appropriate standing committee. 12.1.d. The standing committee shall respond within one working day af ter their next regularly scheduled meeting. 2. External Procedure 12.2.a. The student must first address complaints via the internal procedures above. 12.2.b. If the student remains unsatisfied and believes they have been treated unfairly by the Union, they will be referred to the procedures established by the Code of Practice between the Union and UCL, copies of which are available from any Sabbatical Officer or the General Manager. Bye-Law 13 - Disciplinary Procedures for Members 1. The General Manager will convene a disciplinary hearing, within ten working days , following a report of behaviour that might be subject to disciplinary action. 2. In extraordinary cases an emergency meeting of the Union Executive Committee may be called. 3. Pending the disciplinary hearing any or all of the student' s privileges as a Member of the Union may be suspended by the Union Executive Committee, except the right of the Member to stand in elections or otherwise partake in the democratic process. 4. Alleged offences will normally be handled by Summary Disciplinary procedures; where the alleged offence is of a serious nature, the Sabbatical Officers may request that the matter be handled by panel procedures. 5. The General Manager will inform the defendant in writing as to the handling of the case. At least five working days' notice shall be given for the hearing from the time the letter is sent. The letter will state: 13.5.a. The nature of the charges brought. 13.5.b. The disciplinary procedure currently accepted by Union Council. 13.5.c. The availability of the General Manager to advise on pr ocedures. 13.5.d. The opportunity for the defendant to bring a friend. 13.5.e. The opportunity of the defendant to bring a witness. 6. If the student fails to respond to the initial correspondence before the hearing, or does not attend the hearing, then a further written not ice will be sent. The suspension will remain in force until the disciplinary process is concluded. 7. Summary Hearing Procedure 13.7.a. At least two Union Sabbatical Officers shall hear summary hearings. Union Sabbatical Officers who are witnesses shall remain absent from summary hearings to ensure they are available in the event of an appeal. 13.7.b. The hearing shall be in private, although the defendant may be accompanied by a friend, who the defendant may authorise to speak at the hearing on his or her behalf. 13.7.c. The Union O fficers or the defendant may call witnesses as appropriate. 13.7.d. The summary hearing shall proceed as follows: 13.7.d.i. A Union representative, appointed by the Union Executive Committee, will state the charges brought against the defendant. 13.7.d.ii. The Union representative and defendant shall introduce evidence and witnesses as appropriate. 13.7.d.iii. The witnesses may be questioned by the Union representative, the defendant and the panel as appropriate. 13.7.d.iv. The disciplinary panel will then adjourn to closed session to determine the action to be taken. 13.7.d.v. The defendant will be notified orally of the decision taken by the panel and of their right to appeal. A confidential record shall be kept of the hearings and the Union General Manager will be in attendance in order to make this record. 13.7.d.vii. If the S ummary Case is found to be proved, the Union Officers shall decide a penalty as per the guidelines for penalties set out in this section of the Bye - Laws. 13.7.d.viii. A letter detailing the penalty will be sent to the defendant by the General Manager within three worki ng days of the hearing. 13.7.d.ix. A record of Summary Cases shall remain in the possession of the General Manager until three years after the student has left the University. 13.7.d.x. The Union Officers shall report the conclusion of all Summary Cases to the Sabbatical Offic ers. 13.7.d.xi. The defendant may appeal the Summary Decision at Union Council, as outlined in this section of the Bye - Laws. 13.7.d.xii. The defendant can at any time request that panel procedures be used. 8. Disciplinary panel procedure 13.8.a. The disciplinary panel shall be composed of one Sabbatical Officer and one Non - Sabbatical Officer that have not been involved in the case through hearings or appeals to date, plus three representatives of other Students' Unions. 13.8.b. The panel shall be chaired by a Student Trustee appointed by the Board of Trustees. 13.8.c. The panel hearing shall be held within fifteen working days, where possible, of the Union Sabbatical Officer's decision to refer to the panel and the defendant shall be notified, in writing, as detailed previously. 13.8.d. Written statements shall be invited to contribute to the panel hearing and they shall be distributed to the defendant and all panel members as soon as is practical. 13.8.e. The General Manager or their representative shall be the secretary to the panel. 13.8.f. If the defendant is absent the case sh all still be heard by the panel unless an satisfactory reason is given for its delay, as judged by the panel members. 13.8.g. A written statement may be accepted in place of the presence of a witness if permitted by the panel members. 13.8.h. During the meeting: 13.8.h.i. A represe ntative from the Union will state the charges against the defendant, as well as introducing the evidence and witnesses. 13.8.h.ii. The witnesses may be questioned by the panel and the defendant, as appropriate. 13.8.h.iii. The defendant may also introduce witnesses and evidence. 13.8.h.iv. The panel will then adjourn to close the session and determine the action to be taken. The defendant will be notified orally of the decision made and the right of appeal. 13.8.i. Following the hearing the General Manager will write to all parties to advise them o f the decision taken by the panel. The decision will also be reported at the next meeting of Union Council. 13.8.j. The notification of the panel's decision shall include an attachment detailing the appeals procedure. 9. Penalties 13.9.a. Penalties available during the disci plinary panel and summary judgement include: 13.9.a.i. Oral warning. 13.9.a.ii. Written warning. 13.9.a.iii. Withdrawal of one or more privileges of Union Membership. 13.9.a.iv. Payment for damage repair/replacement. 13.9.a.v. Another appropriate penalty, such as community service. 13.9.b. A combination of the above may be proposed. 13.9.c. The panel may also refer the matter to the Dean of Students (Welfare) or the head of the defendants department. 13.9.d. The defendant has the right to appeal a summary judgement or Union disciplinary panel decision to the Union Council on the grou nds that the panel: 13.9.d.i. misapplied UCLU policy. 13.9.d.ii. came to and incorrect factual finding. 13.9.d.iii. acted in excess of its jurisdiction. 13.9.d.iv. abused its powers. 13.9.d.v. was biased. Considered evidence that it should not have considered. 13.9.d.vii. failed to consider evidence that it should have c onsidered. 13.9.e. The appeal to the Union Council must be made within ten working days of receiving the written decision of the disciplinary panel. 13.9.f. The appeal must be made in writing to the Chair of Union Council, stating the grounds for appeal. 13.9.g. The appeal will b e heard at the next meeting of the Union Council excluding any Union Council members who participated at any stage of the appellant’s disciplinary matter. 13.9.h. The Union Council, meeting in private session, will decide whether there are sufficient grounds for a ppeal. If there are, the meeting shall: 13.9.h.i. Hear the appellant's case as well as ask questions of them. 13.9.h.ii. The appeal will not be a repetition of the disciplinary panel and no witnesses shall be called unless there is additional evidence or information. 13.9.i. Union Cou ncil can choose to: 13.9.i.i. Uphold the decision of the panel. 13.9.i.ii. Overturn the decision of the panel and replace it with another sanction. 13.9.i.iii. Return the case to the panel with instructions about rehearing. 13.9.i.iv. Rehear the case at a later date as a whole body of Union Council. 13.9.j. If the appellant is dissatisfied with the decision made by Union Council, a further appeal may be made to a General Assembly. 13.9.j.i. A written notice of appeal must be made to the Sustainability, Engagement & Operations Officer who shall either call an Extraordi nary General Assembly for that purpose, before the end of the term in which the appeal was received, unless there is a General Assembly already scheduled for said term. 13.9.k. The Extraordinary General Assembly can choose to: 13.9.k.i. Uphold the decision of Union Council. 13.9.k.ii. Overturn the decision of Union Council. 13.9.l. If any of these procedures are not followed the defendant may refer the matter to the Chair of Union Council for a decision on whether it has prevented the defendant from a fair hearing. If decided that the defendan t was denied a fair hearing the disciplinary decision shall be overturned.