Amendment to Governing Document AGD1116 Sabbatical Officers Need Only Be Students Proposer: Samuel Gaus Seconder: Andrew Tranter Passed: Union Council, 29 May 2012 This Union Notes: 1. Section 9.4 parts b-c of the Byelaws currently read as follows: b. Sabbatical Officers who run for election in their final year must graduate successfully at the end of that session and must be accepted as an affiliate student for their year as a Sabbatical Officer. c. Sabbatical Officers who are not running for election in their final year must be academically eligible to proceed to the next year of their programme of study immediately following their term of office. 2. A student may need to retake a year of their course for academic or personal reasons. 3. If a member retakes a year they are still a member of UCLU and a student at UCL. This Union Believes: 1. A member's academic performance does not relate to their democratic mandate as an elected officer. 2. A member who fails any (including final) year of academic study has not necessarily become invalid for the role of Sabbatical officer. 3. A member must be a student to run for election. 4. Once elected, the maximum precondition for a Sabbatical Officer-elect to take office is that they are a student or affiliate student of UCL. This Union Resolves: 1. Change Section 9.4 part b of the Byelaws to read: b. Sabbatical Officers who will have completed, terminated, intermitted or suspended their studies at the start of their appointment must be accepted as an affiliate student for their year as a Sabbatical Officer. 2. Delete Section 9.4 part c This Union Mandates: 1. The Democracy and Communications Officer to determine if there is any legal requirement of Sabbatical Officers to also be affiliate students and briefly submit their findings to Council.