Amendment to the Governing Documents AGD1502 Activities Network Proposer: Asad Khan Passed: Union Council, 9 February 2016 f. Activities Network i. The remit of Activities Network shall be the Union's Clubs and Societies', charitable fund-raising, and volunteering activities. ii. The purposes of Activities Network shall be: 1. To direct the Clubs & Societies', charitable fund-raising and volunteering activity in a manner consistent with the Memorandum & Articles, Bye-Laws and Policy. 2. To enable Members and Officers to share information and raise issues related to its remit. 3. To oversee the awarding of Colours and other awards in recognition of Clubs’ Societies and students’ achievements. 4. To produce Policy recommendations related to its remit. 5. To receive Activities Network Executive's reports and hold it to account. iii. The Activities Network shall be governed by a constitution, subject to any requirements of the Bye-Laws. iv. If the Activities Network lacks a procedure for creating or amending its Constitution, a two-thirds majority vote of a quorate, advertised open meeting attended by at least twenty-five of its members shall be sufficient. v. Activities Network shall be responsible for proposing to Union Council any Guidance Documents it deems necessary to govern its remit, meetings, Officers and elections. vi. Activities Network will be attended by the Activities Network Executive. vii. Activities Network meetings shall be open to all Members. viii. Activities Network meetings shall be called by the Activities & Events Officer or the Activities Officer as needed, and in any case at least twice per term. ix. Activities Network meetings shall elect Officers. At least twenty-five members must be present for an election, by-election or recall to be valid. These Officers shall include: 1. Arts Societies Officer 2. Sports Clubs Officer 3. Volunteering Officer 4. General Interest Societies Officer 5. RAG Officer x. Activities Network Executive shall be a committee of elected Officers that is responsible for driving activity between Activities Network meetings, to be called when required by the Activities Officer or Activities & Events Officer. It shall be attended by relevant staff. Activities Network Executive shall report to each Activities Network meeting, which may choose to refer its actions and decisions to Union Council. xi. Activities Network Executive shall include the following members: 1. Activities Officer (Chair) 2. Activities & Events Officer 3. All Officers elected by Activities Network meetings 4. One Officer elected by RUMS 5. One Officer elected by the Postgraduate Association xii. Activities Network Executive shall be responsible for decisions related to Club & Society affiliation, disaffiliation, and disciplinary matters. 1