Nominations: Nominations closed (Monday 06/03/2023 - 12.00)

Voting: Voting closed (Friday 17/03/2023 - 12.00)

If you have queries about the Leadership Race, please get in touch with us via [email protected].


Voting closed
Position name Actions
Delilah Magazine: Editor in Chief
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Delilah Magazine: President
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Delilah Magazine: Treasurer
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Dementia Research Society: Academic Officer
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Dementia Research Society: Media Officer
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Dementia Research Society: Medical Officer
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Dementia Research Society: President
View results
Dementia Research Society: Secretary
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Dementia Research Society: Treasurer
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Dementia Research Society: Vice President
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Diplomacy Society: Career Officer
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Diplomacy Society: Head of Events
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Diplomacy Society: Marketing Officer
View results
Diplomacy Society: President
View results
Diplomacy Society: Treasurer
View results
Diplomacy Society: Vice President
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Diplomacy Society: Welfare Officer
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Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarianism Society: President
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Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarianism Society: Social Secretary
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Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarianism Society: Welfare Officer
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Dodgeball Club: Men's Captain
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Dodgeball Club: President
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Dodgeball Club: Social Secretary
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Dodgeball Club: Treasurer
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Dodgeball Club: Welfare Officer
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Dodgeball Club: Women's Captain
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Doggo Society: President
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Drama Society: Head of Marketing and PR
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Drama Society: Head of Production
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Drama Society: Inclusion and Diversity Officer
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