If you get into financial difficulties while you are studying, there are several options available to help you through these and enable you to complete your studies. However, it is important to point out that hardship funding is for unexpected, short term financial difficulties and acts as a safety net, NOT a regular source of income.

The payments are relatively small, one-off payments.

UCL has a Funding Team who can support you if you are facing problems with money. You can find information on funding sources on their website. and guidance to the support they can give you on this site. This is a good place to start if you have concerns about your finances.

Most importantly, if you are having worries about money, come and speak to someone as soon as possible. There is lots of help and support available to you, and we can help you to think things through, and work out a plan of action. Money problems can be very stressful, and can spiral out of control if you ignore them. You do not have to face this alone.

UCL Financial Assistance Fund

UCL has a Financial Assistance Fund, availble to UK undergraduate and postgraduate students. You will normally need to apply to the Financial Assistance Fund before you apply to any other sources of funding.The fund cannot be used to pay tuition fees.

Guidance notes, and the application form can be found on the UCL website.


The FAF is open to UK undergraduate and postgraduate students who have been resident in the UK for 3 years prior to their course starting. Overseas students are not eligible (EU students who meet the 3 year residency requirement may be eligible).

Students are expected to have applied for their full entitlement of student loan before applying and a copy of the agreement should be enclosed with the application.

Applications can be made at any time but there is a set amount allocated and applications late in the academic year are less likely to be successful, as the funds will be low.

Application forms and guidance notes are available from the Financial Support Team in G19 of the Registry. It is important to read the guidelines carefully to see whether you are eligible.

The main categories to which priority is given are:

  • Students with children.
  • Students from low income families.
  • Disabled students.
  • Mature students with financial commitments.
  • Self-funding graduate students.

A decision is usually made within 4 weeks of receiving the completed application.

UCL Emergency Loans

Limited loans of up to £250 are available if you face unexpected circumstances and find yourself in financial difficulty. The sort of circumstance they usually fund are things such as a delay int he payment of your loan, or the loss of a bank card. The loans are usually given for up to one month and are interest free.

You can find out full details and how to apply on the UCL website.

Charities and other organisations

There are various charities and organisations which provide help to students who fulfil their criteria. Criteria can relate to nationality, religion, area of study or work, family circumstances, disabilities etc.

It can be time consuming looking for funding in this way but there is money available in the form of grants and emergency loans. The awards are generally small one off payments.

You can also find copies of the following publications, which provide information on grant giving organisations, in your local library:

  1. The Charities Digest.
  2. The Grants Register.
  3. The Directory of Grant Making Trusts.
  4. The Educational Grants Directory.

Useful links

  1. UCL Money has a lot of information on sources of funding, including grants, scholarships, loans, prizes and bursaries.
  2. UCL Financial Support including information about the UCL Student Funding Welfare Adviser.
  3. UCL Disability Services for information about the Disabled Students Allowance.
  4. Turn2us has a grants search which matches you to organisations whose criteria you fulfil.
  5. Family Action to apply for a grant through the Education Grants Programme and to search for Educational Grants.

If you are having financial difficulties, please contact us at the UCLU Rights & Advice Centre to discuss your options.