Written by Sherry Lui, MEng Engineering (Mechanical)

It can be difficult trying to save money in London, especially when it comes to food. Be sure to check out the below tips and ideas to help you achieve a more budget-friendly way of eating.

1. Cook at home

If you have the time it is always great to cook at home. Buying ingredients yourself helps save a lot of money! It’s always great to check out new recipes and cook with your friends. Splitting grocery bills with flatmates or friends save money, but it means less food is wasted.

2. Meal preps

If you bought too much groceries for one meal you can always plan ahead. Prepare your meal then simply place it in the fridge or freezer to eat later on. This saves time on busy or lazy days and ensures a nutritious meal every time. Check out cool and delicious meal prep ideas on websites such as tasty.co/topic/meal-prep

3. Pack a home lunch

If you don't want to spend any money on lunch, you can always pack your own. There are many microwaves around campus so you can warm up your home cooking on campus. Microwaves can be found around campus at places such as Phineas and the Institute Bar. Check out studentsunionucl.org/articles/where-to-find-microwaves for an extensive list and map to find your nearest microwave.

4. Shop meal deals and reduction sales at grocery stores

Be sure to check out your local grocery store for meal deals and daily reductions of food items. Some top contenders for best meal deals are Tesco, Sainsburys and our very own Gordon's Café. Meal deals save money, but also help you save time on a busy schedule.

If it's reductions you're looking for, a top tip is to go a couple hours before the store closes and final reductions are being made - make your finds go further by freezing them (if suitable).

5. Student cafés

One of the greatest things about being a university student is unlimited access to nearby student cafés. Check out ones on campus like the Print Room or Stone Willy's (personal favourite as they serve delicious vegan pizza). They all have amazing coffee and foods for budget-friendly prices. Remember to bring your own coffee cup, which helps the environment and also allows you to make some savings. studentsunionucl.org/places-for-you/cafes


6. Check restaurants right before closing

To avoid food wastage, many places choose to give massive discounts to food items 30 minutes or an hour before closing.

For example:

  • Itsu - 30 minutes before closing (50% off)
  • Wasabi - 30 minutes before closing(50% off)
  • Crusshh – 1 hour before closing (50% off select items)



TooGoodToGo is an amazing app that allows restaurants to sell unsold items at extremely discounted prices for you to pick up. This helps cut down your expenses but also the food waste created harming the environment. Simply order on the app, collect instore at a specified time. Budget and environmentally friendly!

8. Visit local farmer’s markets

Farmer’s markets are a great place to find amazing food at cheaper prices. Bloomsbury Farmer’s Market is open every Thursday on Torrington Square right by campus. The food market on Tottenham Court Road is open every weekday. If you’re up to some more adventure be sure to also check out Borough Market or Old Spitalfields Market. There are many markets around London. 

9. Hare Krishna @SOAS

It doesn't get better than free! Free vegetarian food is served by Hare Krishna from Monday - Saturday, from 12:15 - 14:30. You can find them right outside the SOAS entrance, near Waterstones. If you want to give back, you can make a donation to Food For All, a charity serving free food for people across London.


No matter how much money you plan to save, always ensure you’re eating a well-balanced diet. Ensuring your body is healthy is crucial during university - don’t cheat yourself when it comes to eating. Food is the fuel you need!