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UCL Water Polo Club provides 2 weekly pool training sessions and one training sessions every other week for players of all abilities. Our sessions are a great way for players to stay fit, learn about the game and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!

Our mixed team competes in the LUSL league. It is great for providing match experience to all.

You can find out about our weekly social on our Instagram linked on this website and then in our WhatsApp groupchat linked in our Instagram bio
Find us in Phineas and Scala on a Wednesday and are hoping for a club tour at the end of the year!

Our weekly sessions are on Monday evenings at Poplar Baths Leisure Centre 8:30pm-10:00pm. Friday evenings at the London Aquatic Centre (the OLYMPIC pool!) 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Our session every other Saturday is at Putney Leisure Centre 7:00pm -8:30pm

Our BUCS matches are mainly played on Wednesday afternoons, and our LUSL schedule varies more :)

If you have any questions or queries get in contact with our wonderful committee or message our Instagram/Whatsapp group!!

Full membership will need to be purchased in order to attend training sessions with the exception of one 'taster session' so you can get a feel for the club and for the sport.

"Training" membership is available for all current members of the UCL Swimming Club who wish to pay a small fee in order to be able to participate only in our training sessions.

"Standard" membership is for those wishing to come to our trainings AND play in LUSL games (a London-uni based league). These tend to be less serious than BUCS matches where our selection is more flexible and games are less competitive.

"Competitive" membership is the ultimate UCL water polo experience... Get unrivalled access to 3 trainings, all LUSL matches, and all BUCS matches as well!* Treat yourself to utter freedom within the society.

*Note to play in a match you must still be selected for the team by the captain, this membership is not a guarantee for your participation.



This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited



Water Polo taster session!
23/09/2024 | 20:30 - 22:00
Water Polo taster session!
27/09/2024 | 19:00 - 20:30
Water Polo taster session!
30/09/2024 | 20:30 - 22:00
Water Polo taster session!
05/10/2024 | 19:00 - 20:30