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UCL Student Hospital Fun Team is an award-winning volunteering organisation that aims to create a sense of normality for children and adolescents in hospital with games and conversations. Our organisation provides you with the perfect opportunity to experience working with children and adolescents alike. Furthermore, you will develop important leadership, teamwork and communication skills and receive a certificate from the Volunteering Services Unit for your contribution. Overall, the whole experience is fun and rewarding and the main thing we want from our volunteers is enthusiasm!

See what other students say about this project

Volunteering with Afghan refugees: "it is always the highlight of my week to be part of such a warm, welcoming community."
Two teams of UCL student volunteers have been making a big difference through their work with newly arrived Afghan refugees living in temporary accommodation in Camden.The UCL Fun Team – who usually run play activities in local hospitals - have been keeping the Afghan children entertained and stimulated. Meanwhile, UCL Impact Initiative have been providing conversational English support for adult refugees.
So, if you are thinking about doing it, make big pros and cons lists, and the pros will always outweigh the cons.
I spoke to the lovely Amrutha, who is in her fifth year in medicine, Anisha, who is in her third year of medicine intercalating in global health, and Humza, who is in his second year studying medicine, about their Project Leader roles in the Student-Led Project, UCL Hospital Fun Team. This project recently won Student-Led Project of the Year and was shortlisted for a National Societies and Volunteering Award.
"... the kids would get a lot of joy out of it"
Charlotte from Hopscotch Women’s Centre spoke to us about their collaboration with the Student-Led Project UCL Student Hospital Fun Team. It was lovely to hear about the impact that this project has had on the participants. You can learn all about it in this Profile Piece!