Sports Club Presidents & Treasurers Hub
Welcome to the Sports Club Presidents & Treasurers Hub, the home of TeamUCL Sports Club Information. Please use this page to stay up to date with new information, read through important how-to guides that will help you run a successful club, and view Live webforms that you may need to complete within a necessary time frame.
Sport Specific How-To Guides
- How to Report an Incident
It is vital that all accidents and near misses are reported to the Union. In all accidents, injuries or near miss cases, you must complete an Incident/Accident Report Form online via UCL RiskNet no later than 24 hours after the incident.
Report an incident on UCL RiskNet.
In the event of an incident on College or Union property the Activity Leader will immediately contact a member of staff, who will be familiar with the relative incident procedure and the availability of First Aiders.
- How to Register & Pay a Coach
Make sure your coach is registered with the Students' Union prior to leading any activity. Coaches cannot undertake any coaching without being registered. This is also the only way they can get paid. Step by step on how to register a coach can be found here: Registering a Sports Coach.
Once registered, pay your coach by following these steps:
Step 1: Receive invoice from your coach.
This must include: their name, address, bank details (including bank), who the invoice is addressed to, invoice date, details of the sessions they coached (including venue, hours and date(s)), their hourly rate, and total expected pay. They must also include this note: "I am self-employed and I am responsible for any tax or National Insurance liability."
Step 2: Presidents or treasurers should then submit club coach invoices through the Purchase Request Form online.
- How to add Events to the What's on Calendar
Step 1: Go to the What's On Calendar on SU home page
Step 2: Click 'Create event'
Step 3: Fill out the form according to your event parameters! Remember to save and don't worry, you can edit any time.
To view the full guide with screenshots click here: Adding Events to the What's on Calendar
- How to Book Sports Facilities
As a sports club, you have two choices when it comes down to booking sports facilities for your trainings. The two options are:
1) The Students' Union UCL facilities (e.g. Mandela Studio, Multi Purpose Room, Somers Town)
2) External facilities paid for via grant and non-grant funding (depending on allocations).
To find out more, check out this guide: Booking Sports Facilities
- How to Draw up a Budget for an Event
If you are organising an activity that will cost you less than £350, you do not need prior approval from the Union. For activities costing more than £350, you will need to seek prior approval from the Students' Union.
To gain approval for your activity, please submit the Activity Registration Form. To complete this form you will need to plan your budget. You can find a step by step guide to designing your budget here: Preparing for an Event.
- How to Spend Money from your Club Account
The money in your club's account (especially in your grant account) is there to be spent! There are two procedures to spending your money:
1) Payment Request Form for payments less than £350. No SU approval needed.
2) Purchase Request Form for payments more than £350. SU approval needed.
The ways you can spend your money are:
1) Spend and Reclaim (up to £350 - payment request form)
2) Online purchases via the Finance Department (regardless of cost - purchase request form)
3) Order directly to a company (purchase request form)
For information on where to code your purchases to, please see our Finance Code webpage.
You can see the full article here: Spending/investing club money
- How to Spend your own Money for Club Purchases and be reimbursed
This for any purchases less than £350 and from your own funds.
Step 1: Make your purchase (less than £350).
Step 2: Attach your itemised receipts to the Payment Request Form. Include payee bank details and email address. The person reclaiming the money and the payee cannot be the same person.
Step 3: Payment will be made directly to the member’s bank account. We aim to process forms within a week, but this may take longer.
To check out the full guide, click here: Spending your own money on club purchases
- How to Process Sponsorship
Before drawing up a Sponsorship Agreement
Step 1: Consider possible sponsors. Give yourself ample time to negotiate a contract ahead of your activities and check that your potential sponsor complies with the Union guidelines.
Step 2: Approach your sponsors! We suggest you have some kind of formal proposal document to hand over to any potential partners.
Drawing up a Sponsorship Agreement
Step 3: If the sponsors agree, begin drawing up a proposal. Remember only to offer that which is actually in your remit and always have the contract signed by a Union Representative to ensure that you are not personally liable.
Step 4: Draw up a contract (template here) and ask your Sponsor to sign and return the contract.
Step 5: Submit our Club and Society Contract Webform to have your contract checked and signed by the Activities and Engagement Officer at least 10 working days in advance of when it is required to be completed by.
After you have a signed Sponsorship Agreement in place
Step 6: You can invoice the company (where applicable) for the sponsorship fee via the Sales Invoice Request Webform. Your sales invoice will be sent to the company and the money will be paid into your account.
Step 7: Don’t forget to honour your end of the agreement and provide the necessary acknowledgement for your sponsors.
For the full guide including Union Guidelines, click here: Seeking Club Sponsorship
- How to Create a Ticketed Event
Step 1: Draw up a budget for your event using the Activity Registration Form.
Step 2: Once your activity registration form has been approved, complete a Ticket Request Form as far in advance of your event as possible (min. 2 weeks).
Step 3: Begin selling your tickets and organising your event!
NB: If your tickets are being sold via the Reception or the online shop then the money is banked into your account automatically, but if your committee members are selling them then make sure you read the How to access my Club or Society Account guide to make sure that all the money is banked properly.
Full guide here: Creating tickets for an event
- How to Run a Fundraising Event
Students' Union UCL, and therefore your club or society, is a charity. It is against the law for charities to donate money directly to other charities straight from your Club or Society account. The way to therefore raise money, is through a fundraising event.
Before you begin fundraising, you must ensure that the charity you wish to fundraise for has a registered UK Charity Number and is listed on the Charity Commission Website.
Planning your fundraising event:
Step 1: Ask the charity you want to raise money for, to write a letter giving you permission to fundraise for them (include organisation’s full name and charity number and bank details for payment).
Step 2: Submit an Activity Registration Form
Step 3: If you are holding a fundraising collection (fundraising on the street or in a public space) you must obtain a licence from the local council prior to the event date. If you are raising money on private property (e.g. on the underground or in a supermarket) you must ask the company/owners directly for permission.
Step 4: Bring all money raised at the event to the Clubs & Societies reception to be banked within 24 hours (or the next working day). Open hours: 10am-1pm, Mon-Fri.
Step 5: Submit a Purchase Request Form with the charity's details on it and the money will be paid to them directly via a BACS Transfer.
The full guide and more information on collection tins and Just Giving pages can be found here: Running a fundraising event
- How to Run a Tour/Trip
It is important for the Activities Team to know details about your trip or tour, to make sure you’re insured for all your activities. Ultimately, it is the President who’s responsible for any excess costs incurred to the society, injuries and safety of the Club or Society’s members.
Step 1: Complete an Activity Registration Form
Step 2: Complete an Additional Activity (Risk Assessment) and Overnight Stay Form and, if your trip or tour involves an overnight stay, make sure you complete the Overnight Stay Section of this form. Your form must be submitted online at least 10 working days before your trip or tour if it is based in the UK, and at least 8 weeks before if it is based abroad.
Step 3: After review, complete any revisions needed for you risk assessment. You must also complete the Participants section of the Additional Activity Registration Form - this can be sent to us 1 week prior to the event taking place.
Step 4: If you are going abroad, make sure your members get their own travel insurance and that you have a photocopy of each insurance schedule from them.
Step 5: Make sure you familiarise yourself with the guide on What to do if there is an accident during one my activities. But otherwise... enjoy!
Full guide here: Running a Tour/Trip
This is a developing webpage, so if there's something we've missed, or anything else you think may be useful, please drop us an email at or complete this feedback webform.