It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Please read this how-to-guide for information on how to register and pay your coaches or instructors. 

Please expand and read through all of the relevant sections below. 


Registering your Society Instructor 

Your instructors need to be re-registered each year, regardless of how long they have been teaching. No teaching may take place until your instructor registration is complete. 

Instructors can be fellow students, members of UCL, Student’s Union UCL staff or any other external individual. 

No matter what they do for a job, the Student’s Union UCL Finance Department consider them as self employed – this is to do with tax status. 

Step 1

Your instructor should download and complete the Society Instructor Registration Form. All sections of this form must be completed. You must also provide photocopies of the following documents through our webform:

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • First Aid Certificate - for any societies that participate in regular instructed physical activity (Dance, Salsa etc.) 

Step 2

Your instructor should read and sign the Students' Union UCL Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Step 3

Your society president, together with the instructor, should complete the Society Instructor Agreement. When both parties are happy, this should be signed. This is an internal document so you have our permission to sign this one! 

Step 4

The three completed forms:

  • Society Instructor Registration Form
  • Society Instructor Service Level Agreement
  • Society Instructor Agreement

Should then be submitted through our online Club and Society Coach/Instructor Registration Form, alongside additional documents such as your instructor's Public Liability Insurance.  

Step 5

Once your forms have been checked, verified and approved, you'll receive an automated email from the website confirming your instructor has been successfully registered. 

If we need any additional information, you'll receive an email notifying you your forms have been rejected and need to be re-submitted. This email will include additional feedback. 

Paying your Society Instructor

Presidents or treasurers must submit society instructor invoices through the Purchase Request Form online. 

Sports Clubs

Registering your Sports Club Coach

Coach registration happens annually, regardless of how long a coach has been teaching. No coaching may take place until their registration is complete.

Coaches can be fellow students, members of UCL or Student's Union UCL staff or completely external people. No matter what they do for a job, Student's Union UCL Finance Department consider them as 'self employed' – this is to do with tax status.

Required Qualifications

  • Lead Coaches (paid and voluntary): must be qualified to UKCC Level 2 (or equivalent)
  • Assistant Coaches (paid): must be qualified to UKCC Level 1 (or equivalent)
  • Assistant Coaches (voluntary): should be working towards gaining their UKCC Level 1 (or equivalent), or have a level of training that is deemed sufficient by the Sports Club Development Manager
  • For more information, you can view the Coach Qualification Appendix here.

If you have any questions regarding coach qualifications please email the staff team at [email protected] 

Step 1

You should begin discussions with your incoming coach to provide them with a background of your club and what you will require from them in order to see if they are the right fit for you. Will the coach be able to fulfil the needs of your training and competition schedule? Are they the right person to coach your members?

Your coach should then complete the Coach Registration Form. All sections of this form must be completed and photocopies of the following documents attached:

  • Coaching Certificates
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • First Aid Certificate

Please ensure...

  • The required personal details are provided
  • Agreed coaching rates are accurately listed
  • A UTR Number is provided (payment is not possible without this!)
  • 2 referees (references) are provided

Step 2

Your coach should read and sign the appropriate Students' Union UCL Service Level Agreement (SLA). Download either the Lead Coach SLA or the Assistant Coach SLA here.

Please ensure...

  • The document is read carefully and the coach is aware of necessary requirements
  • The document is signed and dated

Step 3

Your club president, together with your coach, should complete the Club Coach Agreement. When both parties are happy, this should be signed.

This is an internal document so you have our permission to sign!

Step 4

The completed forms and necessary documentation should then be submitted to the Club and Society Coach/Instructor Registration Form.

What we require from each coach:

  • External Lead Coach (paid & voluntary) - Coach Registration form, Lead Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, copy of Level 2 (or higher) coaching qualification, Public Liability Insurance Certificate, First Aid Qualification.
  • External Assistant Coach (paid) - Coach Registration form, Assistant Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, copy of Level 1 (or higher) coaching qualification, Public Liability Insurance Certificate, First Aid Qualification (unless they will be coaching under the supervision of another coach/qualified first aiders in a low-risk sport).
  • External Assistant Coach (voluntary) - Coach Registration form, Assistant Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, evidence that they are working towards a Level 1 qualification (at a minimum), Public Liability Insurance Certificate, First Aid Qualification (unless they will be coaching under the supervision of another coach/qualified first aiders at all times in a low-risk sport).
  • UCL Student Lead Coach (paid & voluntary) - Coach Registration form, Lead Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, copy of Level 2 (or higher) coaching qualification, Public Liability Insurance Certificate, First Aid Qualification.
  • UCL Student Assistant Coach (paid) - Coach Registration form, Assistant Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, copy of Level 1 (or higher) coaching qualification, Public Liability Insurance Certificate, First Aid Qualification (unless they will be coaching under the supervision of another coach/qualified first aiders in a low-risk sport).
  • UCL Student Assistant Coach (voluntary) - Coach Registration form, Assistant Coach SLA, Club-Coach Agreement, evidence that they are working towards a Level 1 qualification or equivalent certification, Public Liability Insurance Certificate (recommended), First Aid Qualification (unless they will be coaching under the supervision of another coach/qualified first aiders at all times in a low-risk sport).

Please ensure that...

  • All documents, including Public Liability Insurance, Coaching Qualification Certificates, and First Aid Qualifications are submitted in the required sections.

Step 5

Once your forms have been checked, verified and approved, you'll receive an automated email from the website confirming your instructor has been successfully registered. 

No coaching may take place until the registration has been reviewed and approved by the relevant union staff member.

If we need any additional information, you'll receive an email notifying you your forms have been rejected and need to be re-submitted. This email will include additional feedback. 

Paying your Sports Club Coach

Presidents or treasurers must submit club coach invoices through the Purchase Request Form online. 

Paying your Coach/Instructor

You can only pay a coach/instructor for services that they have undertaken within the time period that they have been registered with us for.

Your registered coach/instructor should produce an itemised invoice addressed to Student’s Union UCL {INSERT CLUB/SOCIETY NAME}, 25 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AY.

The invoice should include:

  • payee name
  • address
  • contact email address
  • bank name and account details
  • a dated, hourly break-down of all chargeable hours for the respective invoice period
  • the statement ‘I am self-employed and I am responsible for any tax or National Insurance liability’

These should match the details provided on the coach/instructor registration form.

You can use our Coach and Instructor Invoice Template

They just need to fill out the template with their own information, and send it to you.

You must submit your invoice through the Purchase Request Form, by the final day of each month. They will receive payment within 2-4 weeks via a BACS transfer. Failure to meet the deadline will result in the payment carried forward to the following month’s payment run.

Payment will not be made on submitted invoices exceeding 2 months after the work was completed.

We will not accept invoices on a termly basis nor will we pay for coaching or instructor fees in advance of sessions.

Template Documents


1. Society Instructor Registration Form

2. Society Instructor Service Level Agreement

3. Society Instructor Agreement


Sports Clubs

1. Coach/Instructor Registration Form

2. Lead Coach Service Level Agreement

3. Assistant Coach Service Level Agreement

4. Sports Club Coach Agreement


Coach & Instructor Invoice Template

Knowledge base


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