Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

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Voting closed
Position name Actions
German Society: Welfare Officer
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Giving Voice Society: Communication Officer
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Giving Voice Society: Events Coordinator
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Giving Voice Society: President
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Giving Voice Society: Vice President
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Golf Club: Captain
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Golf Club: President
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Golf Club: Treasurer
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Golf Club: Vice President
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Golf Club: Welfare Secretary
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Gospel Society: Band Coordinator
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Gospel Society: Bible Study Coordinator
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Gospel Society: Choir Coordinator
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Gospel Society: President
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Gospel Society: Promotions Coordinator
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Government and Politics Society: Editor-in-Chief
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Government and Politics Society: President
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Government and Politics Society: Social Media Secretary
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Government and Politics Society: Treasurer
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Government and Politics Society: Vice President
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Government and Politics Society: Welfare Officer
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Graphic Novels and Comics Society: President
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Graphic Novels and Comics Society: Treasurer
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Graphic Novels and Comics Society: Welfare Officer
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Green Economy Society: Events Executive
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Green Economy Society: Green Business Forum Director
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Green Economy Society: Newsletter Manager
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Green Economy Society: President
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Green Economy Society: Treasurer
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Green Economy Society: Vice President
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