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You’ll need to be logged in to the website using your UCL credentials to make best use of our site. If you’re interested in a role, press ‘register interest’. You’ll then be able to see information about how to apply and it’ll be up to you whether or not to take things forward.

If you notice that information is missing from specific opportunities, or you’d like any support in finding the right volunteering opportunity, please drop us a line at [email protected]
Charity Quiz Night Event Support Volunteer
Mencap (Royal Mencap Society)
We're on the lookout for passionate volunteers to join us at one of our events on Thursday April 10th. As a volunteer on the…
Call My Wine Bluff Event Support Volunteer - April 3rd
Mencap (Royal Mencap Society)
We're on the lookout for passionate volunteers to join us at one of our events on Thursday April 3rd. As a volunteer on the…
Friday Club Volunteer
C4WS Homeless Project
Friday Club opens every Friday between 11am and 1:30pm (Volunteers arrive 9.30am) offering a safe and welcoming space for…
Soup Kitchen & Food Bank Volunteer
St. John's Soup Kitchen and Food Bank
We provide a homemade vegetarian meal for between 50-120 people per week, and demand has really been increasing due to the…
Zero Food Waste Volunteer
#Zero Food Waste
Volunteers pick up unsold food waste from cafes on the UCL campus (like Gordon's, Print Room, Student Centre) and transport…
Kitchen Assistant at Caritas St Joseph's
Caritas Westminster
Caritas St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, based in Hendon, North West London, is a charity that works with and supports adults…
Drinks Trolley Host
St Joseph's Hospice
The Drinks’ Trolley visits our wards twice a day to offer our patients free alcoholic & soft refreshments. It is a much…
Cafe Volunteer
St Joseph's Hospice
We are looking for volunteers to help run our Five Sisters Café which is located in our Community Hub, on the ground floor…
Kitchen Support Volunteer - Resource Centre
The Passage
Based in our Resource Centre in Victoria, this is a hands on, practical role that’s crucial in ensuring that service users…
Kitchen Support Volunteer (PHAC)
The Passage
Passage House is a rapid-response facility. The 37 bed project provides high-quality support to new rough sleepers aged 18…
Kitchen Volunteer (Female)
Help us feed our service users at the Women@TheWell drop-in!We are a women-only service located in Kings Cross dedicated to…
Party planning volunteer
L'Arche London
Help out with planning and running parties and get-togethers for our community of people with and without learning…
Cooking or Hosting Volunteers
Get involved with FoodCycle and become a cooking or hosting volunteer at your local FoodCycle meal today! With 16 projects…