TeamUCL Social Sports

Who we are

TeamUCL Leagues is the home of your social sport here at UCL. This is where you are able to take part in friendly physical activity against other UCL students. All sporting activities will be close to campus to ensure that the events are as accessible as possible. We also make our activities affordable to reduce any financial barriers for students. We run leagues/events all throughout the week so there’ll always be something available for you and your team. Whether you are a Sports Club, Society, Staff Member, Group of Friends or an Individual, come alone and pick up a sport that you haven't tried before – or one you have – the choice is yours, all abilities are welcome, you don't have to be 'sporty' to take part!

Upcoming Events

Battle of the Halls: Sports Day
29/09/2024 | 17:00 - 20:00
Join TeamUCL and Project Active for an evening of activities at Somers Town Community Centre!Team up with your new friends from your halls of residence and meet other students living in UCL accommodation.

What We Offer

Weekly and Termly Social Leagues

We offer a selection of different sports which include, many verities of football, netball, and volleyball.

Social One Off Sporting Events

These are spread out across the year/term and we will have a verity of sports available, some of these include, badminton, dodgeball, rounders, and more.

Current Social Leagues For Term 1

Previous Leagues/Events

Previous Weekly Leagues:

11-a-side football

8-a-side football

6-a-side football





Indoor Cricket

3v3 Basketball


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Previous One Off Events



5-a-side Football



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Previous Prices

The cost of our leagues and events are extremely affordable, the prices may vary depending on the sport you choose however, we always aim to make it no more than £3 a session.

Our leagues are paid for termly so depending on the amount of weeks the league runs over will determine the upfront cost, which will then be split between your team.

Our events are always £20 for a team entry and £3 for an individual entry.